Page 11 - PBCMarch2021
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 18 No.1 March 2021 11
By then, what make of bike did you have?
Urago, £1.50per week, Gnutti chain-set, and various Italian “lightweight” accessories. Followed by
various Holdsworths, Stan Miles, and now my all time favourite, a Condor. Having been personal friends
with the late Monty Young (Mr Green) , Grant Young and the whole family in fact-where else would you
want to go?
What was your best result - Race Winner - Club Champion?
West Herts Combine Junior BAR - Winner, Verulam Junior BAR 2nd, Verulam Senior Championships
2nd, London C.A. 25 Time Trial on Bath Road (130 entrants) 4th, North London Combine RR 1st,
Cycling Club Islington RR 2nd (winner Sean Bannister /Thomas - Pickwick BC). I decided that I would
concentrate on a career as a <irst cat’ Electrical Contractor, than a third rate pro! I also thought I would
become an of<icial and put something back into the sport. I became a Committee Member of North
London, British Cycling Federation and eventually Chairman. I promoted various road races including
the Apex Trophy on behalf of the North Middlesex and Herts C.A. for over 20 years. I sponsored "The Ron
Gray Electrical Road Race" for many years and also the very last track race (20K) at the Paddington Rec!
You're a member of the Pedal Club and the Pickwick - which came first and how did
this come about?
I became a member of both in 1985. The Pedal Club had its monthly meetings in Town and attendance
was (still is) mandatory (three no shows allowed per year). I was President in 1992, an Honorary Life
Member and the longest serving Committee Member (33 years this year).
What are your early memories of the Pickwick BC, which year did you get your
soubriquet and when did you become President?
I joined, as I said in 1985 as Mr Justice Stareleigh and was honoured to become Mr Pickwick in 2000. I
guess I fell in love with the Club and all its traditions, the trumpeters, Chelsea Pensioners and the
friendship between its' members and guests - everyone from all walks of life are drawn together and
become friends for life. I have met and become friends with so many members. It really is a great Club to
belong to. In the early days when the licensing laws were much stricter, we all rushed down to the Wig &
Pen Club at 3.30pm, when the Connaught Rooms closed it's bars, to carry on drinking until 5pm when the
other pubs and bars re-opened. Many a hangover was created there, especially as it was also the
commencement of our Christmas Social Season! I also assisted with the Golf Days, again, in the early
days at Brookman's Park and Essendon, and then, when I managed to bring it to the Harpenden Common
Golf Club, taking the bike riders out around our local country lanes, and then rushing back to the Golf
Club to measure "nearest the hole at the 18th"! Followed by all the riders and players sitting down for
Dinner and Prize Presentations.
Who were the Guest Speakers at your luncheons during your year of office?
I can't remember! The whole year was a complete blur! I do recall that I dressed up in fancy dress as
Samuel Pickwick though! I believe the last President to do so! Also my claim to fame is to have had the
largest President's modern day bar bill!
You are now also a member of the Dickens Pickwick Club, how did that come about?
I was seconded by the Club (PBC) to a meeting of all the Pickwick Clubs in the UK with the idea of having
a Celebratory Dinner to commemorate Charles Dickens. We had various meetings at The George &
Vulture Pub, one of Dickens's favourite watering holes. We, John Mist and myself, met members of