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            Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	18																													No.1	March	2021						 15
     Mr Trundle – Mr Wardle’s future son-in-law
     “'True, true,' said the stout gentleman; 'no one can deny it. Gentlemen, I beg your pardon;
     this is my friend Mr. Trundle. And now you all know each other, let's be comfortable and
     happy, and see what's going forward; that's what I say.' So the stout gentleman put on his
     spectacles, and Mr. Pickwick pulled out his glass, and everybody stood up in the carriage,
     and looked over somebody else's shoulder at the evolutions of the military.”
     W Nisbet        pre 1881 to 1882
     G R Brown       1883 to 1913  (Life Member)
     Barry L Brandon   1957 to 2013  (President 2003, Captain for 21 years, HonAssSec 1966)
     Tim West        2019 to present
     Mr Winkle Senior – of Birmingham

     “'My  dear  friends,'  said  Mr.  Pickwick,  shaking  hands  alternately  with  Mr.  Tupman,  Mr.
     Winkle, and Mr. Snodgrass, who were the three visitors in question, 'I am delighted to see
     you.'  The  triumvirate  were  much  affected.  Mr.  Tupman  shook  his  head  deploringly,  Mr.
     Snodgrass drew forth his handkerchief, with undisguised emotion; and Mr. Winkle retired
     to the window, and sniffed aloud.”

     E H Nicholl           1904 to 1915
     C D Terry             1942 to 1948
     F W Chance            1955 to 1964
     R H Smith             1968 to 1969
     Roger A Warwick       1972 to present      (President 2019)

     New Members………..

     Due  to  the  cancellation  of  the  luncheons  in  2020,  those  members  who  were  due  to  be
     presented with their soubriquets in May it never happened. We therefore welcome them to
     the Club, and look forward to meeting them ‘face to face’ quite soon.

                                   Stewart Fairburn    - Young Edmunds
                                   David Fielding         - Jim
                                   Martin Guest          - Mr Griggs
                                   Philip Saunders       - Marquis of Filletoville
                                   Andy Cook               - Brown of Muggleton
                                   Bill Temple              -  Mr Crawley
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