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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 18 No.1 March 2021 14
Porkin – did not exist, Porkin & Snob
“A clerk hurried in with a bundle of papers, and stared about him.'Sniggle and Blink,' cried
the tenor.'Porkin and Snob,' growled the bass. 'Stumpy and Deacon,' said the new-
comer.Nobody answered; the next man who came in, was bailed by the whole three; and he in
his turn shouted for another firm; and then somebody else roared in a loud voice for another;
and so forth.”
Sydney J. Kemball 1920 to 1933
Harold Grose 1942 to 1951 (Sub-Captain 1944)
L. C. Hackett 1959 to 1970
P. E. Waygood 1976 to 1989
Daniel Munns 1995 to 2014
Neil Smith 2017 to present
Mr Smithie – a guest at the Rochester Ball
“'Mr. Smithie, Mrs. Smithie, and the Misses Smithie,' was the next announcement. 'What's
Mr. Smithie?' inquired Mr. Tracy Tupman. 'Something in the yard,' replied the stranger. Mr.
Smithie bowed deferentially to Sir Thomas Clubber; and Sir Thomas Clubber acknowledged
the salute with conscious condescension. Lady Clubber took a telescopic view of Mrs. Smithie
and family through her eye-glass and Mrs. Smithie stared in her turn at Mrs. Somebody-else,
whose husband was not in the dockyard at all.”
H. E. Keat pre 1881
Wm M Crawley 1897, left then rejoined in 1902
Robert V Beveridge 1926 to 1938
F. G. Norman 1941 to 1969 (President 1957/8, Hon. Auditor 1944,57)
P. B. Searle 1971 to 1986
Gino Goddard 1995 to present
The clergyman of Dingley Dell – with a good-humoured, benevolent face
“On the opposite side sat a bald-headed old gentleman, with a good-humoured, benevolent
face--the clergyman of Dingley Dell; and next him sat his wife, a stout, blooming old lady, who
looked as if she were well skilled, not only in the art and mystery of manufacturing home-
made cordials greatly to other people's satisfaction, but of tasting them occasionally very
much to her own.”
Andrew Grose 1988 to 2003
Nicholas (Nick) Fish 2004 to 2014
Tim Chapman 2014 to present