Page 19 - PBCMarch2021
P. 19
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 18 No.1 March 2021 19
Events for 2021
So as per last year, but with a smidgin more hope, the following list of events is correct at
the time of going to press. Who knows what will be achieved this year though, we can but
hope. Most events are open to members & friends whether participating or just supporting.
Since the 2020 events list was wiped out, please give as much support to all or any of the
events that do take place this year. Organising them takes a lot of time in normal
circumstances but this year will undoubtedly be that much more difficult.
2nd May - Chestnut Sunday / Bushy Park CANCELLED
13th May - The President’s Spring Luncheon CANCELLED
10th June - Annual Golf & Cycle Ride at Harpenden Yet To Be Confirmed
See p26 for details - applications for entry to Smithers
4th July - Benson Veteran Cycle Ride still TBC details from Mr Pickwick or Mr Brooks
Mid-July - Special GOOOCC Ordinary Bike Race/Anniversary Ride at the Hillingdon
Track details from Pruffle TBC
July - Baillie Mac Charity Ride - with the current restrictions in place, the amount of
pre-organisation required is quite labour intensive, so John & Diana do not want to
commit to running the event, unless there is a green light to go. At this point, it is
not possible confirm the event, but once restrictions are clarified, members will
be notified either way.
7th Oct - Hampton Court Bike Ride - usual arrangements, open to everybody.
Apply to Pruffle at or Hunt at
8th Oct - Black Tie Dinner re-arranged at Saddlers Hall - see Captain’s comments p5
2nd Dec - (Still) 150th Annual Garden Party - apply HonSec/Sgt Buzfuz