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            Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	18																													No.1	March	2021						 10
    Justice Stareleigh Reminiscing on a Life of Cycling
         It was just an idea I’d been considering for a while that we
    should ask our longer serving members about their life in cycling
    and  how  they  came  to  be  part  of  our  glorious  Club.  Not  quite
    sure  how  this  would  work  out,  I  approached  our  illustrious
    member Ron Gray/Justice Stareleigh, and gently persuaded him
    that  he  could  say/write  whatever  he  wished  in  response  to  a
    few probing questions. And so here we are-imagine that JS and
    I  are  having  a  convivial  lunch  somewhere  in  the  foothills  of

    So Ron, How old were you when you got your first bike and what was it?
    At	11	years	old,	a	second-hand	kiddies	bike	with	rod	brakes,	but	gave	me	the	freedom	to	carry	on	train
    spotting	further	a<ield	at	Hemel	Hempstead	and	Welwyn	Garden	City.		My	<irst	real	bike	at	12	years	old,
    was	an	Armstrong	Moth,	<ive-speed	Benelux	with	a	rod	change	double	clanger,	GB	brakes	and	27x1/4
    pressures.	15	bob	a	week	over	a	year	from	a	local	bike	shop!
    When did you start riding seriously, or is that still to come! AND did you ride much
    before you joined a club?
    We	formed	a	cycling	club	at	school,	which	was	against	the	grain,	because	it	was	a	footie	and	cricketing
    sports	school,	and	cycling	was	very	much	a	Cinderella	sport.		We	organised	a	couple	of	10	mile	time	trials
    and	camping	trips	to	Hastings,	Southend	and	the	Isle	of	Sheppey.

    Was it a touring club or straight into a racing club and if so which one?
    I	joined	the	Verulam	CC	(St	Albans)	at	the	age	of	13	(1959).		Still	a	member	62	years	later,	all	be	it	as	a
    life	member!	At	the	time,	a	good	all	round	cycling	club	for	racing	and	touring.		Actually	it	still	is,	and	with
    nearly	500	members	and	10	Sunday	Club	Runs,	plus	various	weekly	rides,	track	training	and	induction
    rides,	Club	events	and	open	racing,	it	really	is	a	very	good	all	round	club,	in	pre-Covid	times,	and	I'm	sure
    it	will	be	again	in	the	post-vaccination	era.

    Did you go for club runs/holidays etc,and if so, where and what sort of distances did
    you go?
    First	club	run,	Northampton	at	120	miles,	aged	13,	<irst	YHA	trip	to	Winchester	Youth	Hostel,	<irst	over-
    night	ride	was	at	Easter	to	the	Isle	of	Wight	-	great	times!	 	In	fact,	one	of	my	earliest	friendships	was
    forged	 with	 John	 Graves	 and	 we	 are	 still	 mates	 now	 and	 ride	 out	 2	 or	 3	 times	 a	 week,	 with	 Boris's

    When did you take up Time Trials, Road Racing or both?
    Time	Trials	-	West	Herts	Combine	-	schoolboy	champion,	South	of	England	schoolboy	CycloCross		champs
    	2nd,			London		schoolboys		Track		champs,	3rd	overall.
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