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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 18 No.1 March 2021 6
An Unusual AGM
With the unusual circumstances of 2020, it was not possible to
have a live AGM at the New Connaught Rooms, so herewith is a
summarised version of the alternative event as recorded by your
“For the first +me in our Club’s 150-year history, we were unable to hold our
AGM in person due to the Covid-19 regula+ons, so our mee+ng was held
virtually on ZOOM. 46 Members registered to aIend, and over 30 managed to be on camera. Pruffle offered
to go over to the Hercules Pillars to chase up any stragglers! The minutes were taken from the recording of
the mee+ng to ensure accuracy. The first to join the mee+ng was our Captain (Melanie aka Tim Stevens) who
logged in early to check that his setup was working. The recording of the mee+ng showed him geXng
dressed for the mee+ng, mumbling to himself, brushing his hair…. and all captured on camera – it was
hilarious! Soon a[er the appointed hour, Mr Pickwick laid out ground rules for the mee+ng which included
the use of the ‘mute’ buIon and the ‘wave’ to speak. With the President elected as Chairman, the mee+ng
was under way. Apologies were received from 25 members, almost as many as those on screen. The 2019
AGM minutes were approved, with no maIers arising.”
The President’s report followed, - he said he could have been redundant, but instead spent hours, days,
weeks pulling together the Anniversary Membership Book 2020 which everyone will have received.. Sadly,
our signature event Celebra+on Dinner, had to be postponed from June 2020 to March 5 th 2021, and is now
likely to be postponed again un+l October 2021. He in+mated that our first event for over a year might be the
President’s Luncheon on Thursday 13 th May 2021, which will be the same as was planned for last year but
this is s+ll to be confirmed. (NOW CANCELLED)
On 22 nd June 2020, exactly 150 years a[er the Club was formed there, I aIended the Downs Hotel Hackney
with a few members, as reported in the October magazine. He thanked new member The Marquis of
Filletoville (Phil Saunders) for organising a Club ride in the tracks of our founders along the Lea Valley canal.
He announced that the Club had recently become the custodian of two splendid historical cycling trophies, on
condi+on that we organise an open annual race for original Ordinaries (Penny Farthings). [see ar+cle on page
9-editor] I have very much appreciated the support of our Club Officers and CommiIee through this difficult
year, and together we assure you that we will, one day soon, celebrate together our Club 150 th Anniversary.
Un+l then, take good care of your loved ones, stay safe and I look forward to mee+ng up with you before too
long! Hopefully, your safe receipt of our 150 th anniversary mug brought a smile to your face and will be a
memento to enjoy in memory of our six founder members.
In the absence of the Treasurer, The Assistant Treasurer (The Late Lord Chancellor – Mark Hopkins) made the
report, with the income and expenditure account showing a small deficit of £2,069, compared with the
surplus in the previous year of £4,690. Subscrip+ons and Joining Fees were up compared to the previous year.
The 2019 Garden Party generated a surplus of £5,052 against £6,461 the previous year. The Support for
Cycling Fund remains at £7000, and the Anniversary fund is currently at £8000. There were increases in
expenses across a number of categories, prin+ng, presents and postage, plus various ini+a+ves to celebrate
the 150 th Anniversary. Also discussed were some admin amendments to authorisa+on of expenditure by Club