Page 8 - PBCMarch2021
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 18 No.1 March 2021 8
Subscrip+ons for 2021 - the Assistant Treasurer proposed they remain at £30 which was approved by the
Members. Standing Orders will need to be changed to pay into our new HSBC account and it was
requested all members use this method on January 1 st each year, for which there will shortly be a
communica+on to all members.
Events for 2021.-The 150 th Celebra+on Dinner – the Captain advised that the revised plan for 5 th March
2021 was now unlikely to be feasible, & Samkin confirmed the booking had been cancelled without costs.
Whilst October 2021 may prove difficult, it was agreed that provisional plans should be made. Skinners
Hall is not a possibility so Samkin had found an alterna+ve venue at Saddlers Hall, near to St Pauls. It can
hold a maximum of 152 for dinner (minimum of 120) and is available every Friday in October, so we could
choose a date; the caterers will be the same, and we can work up an event to mirror our original event.
The members were in favour of the proposal, with thanks to Samkin for his speedy ac+on. The following
discussion about linking the date close to the Hampton Court ride on Thursday 7 th October concluded that
Friday 8 th October was our preferred date. The President’s Luncheon planned for 13 th May 2021 is a
concern, but we do not need to make a decision on this before early February 2021. (CANCELLED)
The Garden Party on Thursday 2 nd December 2021 should not be a problem, so fingers crossed! Other
dates are listed on the events page.
AOB - Mr Gunter enquired about the Founders Ride, which will now be linked with the Grand Old Ordinary
Race planned for the 3 rd weekend in July. Mr Staple suggested we try to gather Club memorabilia and find
an opportunity to display it for the benefit of current members. He advised that Wilkins Flasher/ George
Gibbs’s daughter had offered her late father’s club items to us; these to be collected shortly.
The President proposed that we appoint Samkin as an Honorary Member in recogni+on of not only his
2014 Presidency, but the significant contribu+on he has made to our 150 th Anniversary celebra+ons.
seconded by Mr Jus+ce Stareleigh,& carried unanimously; an astonished Samkin accepted graciously.
Mee+ng closed @12.35 with Christmas Gree+ngs to all from the President.
Late News:
As we go to press we have heard from David Dodd/‘Mr Crawley’ that Simon Fellman/The
Bagman sadly passed away at the age of 81 on February 5th. Mr Crawley goes on to say that
Simon aaended the Club lunches on many occasions before finally gaining his soubriquet in
2002. He was an enthusiasdc footballer and cricketer, suppordng Leyton Orient & Essex C.C. He
loved the camaraderie of the Pickwick funcdons and his presence will be sadly missed. We will
raise a glass to our absent friend at the next Pickwick luncheon. RIP Simon.