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            Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	18																													No.1	March	2021						  7



    Thanks	 went	 to	 the	 Middlesex	 Dumpling	 for	 dealing	 with	 the	 audit,	 along	 with	 best	 wishes	 to	 our
    Treasurer	and	his	family.	The	adop+on	of	the	accounts	was	proposed,	and	all	agreed.
    The	Secretary’s	report	–	He	re-iterated	the	disappointment	that	all	of	the	events	arranged	for	2020	had
    been	cancelled	but	indicated	many	will	be	re-arranged	together	with	some	interes+ng	new	proposals.	He
    expressed	 his	 personal	 hopes	 that	 all	 members	 have	 managed	 and	 are	 managing	 with	 the	 na+onal
    problems.	 As	 far	 as	 is	 known,	 none	 of	 our	 members	 have	 been	 seriously	 affected	 by	 the	 virus	 and
    although	 we	 have	 lost	 5	 members	 to	 the	 great	 velodrome	 in	 the	 sky,	 none	 I	 believe,	 was	 a	 result	 of
    Young	Edmunds	(Tony	Blyth)/Peter	Magnus	(Keith	Robins)	/Joe	the	Fat	Boy	(Stan	Rose)	/Welps	(David
    Taylor)	/Mr	Griggs	(Ron	Webb)
    Since	 there	 had	 been	 no	 luncheons,	 we	 have	 been	 unable	 to	 introduce	 new	 members,	 although	 six
    poten+al	members	had	indicated	that	they	would	aIend	the	May	luncheon	and	on	that	basis	their	names
    were	included	in	the	new	Club	membership	book.	Thanks	were	given	to	Mr	Pickwick	for	his	+reless	efforts
    in	producing	this	great	archive.	As	for	the	wai+ng	list,	all	names	from	the	original	list	have	now	been
    accepted	 into	 the	 club.	 The	 new	 list	 of	 nominees	 contains	 about	 40	 names	 whilst	 there	 are	 only	 19
    available	 soubriquets.	 However,	 the	 Secretary	 advised	 that	 we	 have	 found	 12	 genuine	 soubriquets	 of
    characters	men+oned	in	the	Pickwick	Papers	not	previously	used,	&	now	they	are	approved	will	be	used	in
    the	near	future.

    Elec9on	of	Officers.	-	All	current	Officers	were	willing	to	stand	for	re-elec+on,	but	one	par+cular	issue	was
    that	it	had	been	proposed	the	current	President	remain	in	place	for	a	second	year	since	he	had	been
    unable	to	fulfil	his	role	during	the	year.	Mr	WaIy	was	therefore	re-elected	as	President	for	the	coming
    year,	which	was	welcomed	by	all	members	and	agreed.	The	President	expressed	sincere	apprecia+on	at
    his	re-elec+on	and	par+cularly	to	Hunt	who	has	agreed	that	his	Presidency	should	put	back	a	year.	The
    Hon	 Mr	 Crushton	 asked	 if	 this	 was	 ‘unprecedented’	 whereupon	 members	 were	 referred	 to	 the
    Membership	Book	which	showed	it	happened	in	1944-5	when	the	Viscount	Nuffield	held	the	Presidency
    for	2years	during	a	different	war!

    The	Secretary	advised	that	all	the	current	CommiIee	were	willing	to	remain	with	the	excep+on	of	Jack
    Mar+n,	who	had	remained	to	assist	the	new	Treasurer.	He	wished	to	stand	down	but	would	con+nue	his
    work	archiving	the	documents	and	memorabilia.	Therefore,	with	one	vacancy	and	one	nomina+on,	it	was
    proposed	 and	 seconded	 that	 Daniel	 Grummer	 (Darren	 Upton)	 to	 join	 the	 CommiIee.	 The	 President
    thanked	Jack	Mar+n	on	behalf	of	the	Club	for	all	his	work	as	Treasurer	and	CommiIee	member	over	many

    Ra+fica+on	 of	 new	 Members-the	 Secretary	 advised	 the	 mee+ng	 that	 there	 were	 two	 groups	 of	 new
    members,	 those	 from	 December	 2019,	 plus	 those	 planned	 for	 May	 2020	 who	 should	 be	 approved
    automa+cally	due	to	the	Covid	problems.	They	were	all	approved	by	those	present.	(Their	names	appear
    later	in	the	magazine.)
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