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            Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine          Volume 14             No.1 March 2017
     The Annual Dinner

     	   	   	   Although	   club	   meets	   received	   poor	   support,	   the	   AGM	   and	   Dinner	   was	   a	   popular	   occasion	   drawing	   about	   
     30	   members	   &	   guests.	   The	   Hon	   Sec	   read	   out	   reports	   of	   the	   club	   meets,	   which	   drew	   much	   amusement	   and	   
     hilarity	   to	   the	   meeOng.	   The	   favourite	   venue	   for	   the	   dinner	   was	   the	   EgypOan	   Saloon	   at	   Café	   Monico	   at	   
     Piccadilly	   Circus,	   where	   they	   would	   usually	   enjoy	   a	   ten-  course	   dinner	   with	   a	   printed	   menu	   followed	   by	   a	   
     programme	   of	   recitaOon	   and	   songs.	   

     Club Meets

     	   	   	   The	   club	   meets	   were	   well	   documented	   in	   the	   minute	   books,	   including	   who	   turned	   up,	   the	   state	   of	   the	   
     roads,	   where	   they	   rode	   to	   and	   of	   the	   pub	   stops	   which	   appeared	   to	   be	   li@le	   and	   open.	   Whilst	   repeOOve,	   
     these	    reports	    help	    us	    to	    learn	    about	    Custance	    &	    his	    friends.	    “In	    1872	    a	    member	    running	    down	    a	   
     moderately	    steep	    hill	    met	    a	    respectable	    looking	    farmer	    to	    whom	    he	    said	    ‘Good	    Morning’.	    The	    bucolic	   
     replied	   ‘Good	   Morning	   Sir,	   lor	   when	   I	   seed	   you	   a	   coming	   over	   the	   hill	   I	   took	   you	   for	   a	   donkey,	   Hah	   Hah.	   To	   
     which	   the	   ABC	   member	   replied,	   ‘Indeed,	   then	   I	   wonder	   you	   did	   not	   begin	   to	   bray’”.	   

     	    	    	   Within	   the	   minuted	   reports	   it	   inOmates	   that	   ABC	   members	   could	   if	   they	   wanted	   to,	   outride	   all	   others	   
     they	   met	   on	   the	   road,	   and	   yet	   the	   best	   amateur	   riders	   such	   as	   WhiOng,	   Causton	   and	   Keith-  Falconer	   chose	   
     to	   join	   other	   clubs.	   The	   ABC	   stalwarts	   however	   conOnued	   their	   minimally	   a@ended	   club	   meets	   and	   maybe	   
     it	   was	   just	   this	   exclusivity	   that	   produced	   the	   happy	   nostalgia	   that	   is	   so	   apparent	   in	   the	   last	   period	   of	   the	   
     club’s	   existence.	   	   One	   early	   1901	   report	   advises	   that	   ‘Soon	   aper	   dismounOng	   at	   home,	   the	   Hon	   Sec	   had	   an	   
     a@ack	   of	   verOgo	   which	   caused	   a	   fall	   onto	   the	   kerbstone	   and	   damage	   to	   his	   head	   and	   lep	   ear.	   His	   doctor	   
     ordered	    immediate	    rest,	    no	    more	    riding	    unOl	    further	    order,	    and	    at	    least	    three	    months	    cessaOon	    of	    all	   
     work’.	   Another	   simply	   stated,	   “meet	   at	   White	   Hart	   Roehampton.	   Present	   Henry	   N.	   Custance	   Esq.	   –	   alone”.	   
     The	   final	   entry	   in	   November	   1901	   –	   “	   Meet	   at	   Ealing	   StaOon	   2pm.	   Present	   Henry	   N.	   Custance,	   Hon	   Sec	   –	   
     alone.	   Having	   waited	   the	   usual	   15	   minutes	   the	   Club	   ran	   home	   again	   via	   Shepherd’s	   Bush	   and	   the	   electric	   
     lines.	    The	    day	    was	    very	    fine	    and	    he	    supposes	    the	    early	    meet	    prevented	    his	    being	    supported	    by	    other	   
     	   	   	   The	   last	   Club	   Captain	   from	   1897	   was	   Algernon	   H.	   M.	   Praed,	   who	   wrote	   to	   the	   CTC	   (Cyclist’s	   Touring	   Club)	   
     in	   1926	   offering	   the	   aforemenOoned	   hoard	   containing	   the	   Minute	   books,	   medals	   and	   some	   cash,	   that	   he	   
     had	   received	   from	   Custance	   before	   his	   death.	   Any	   monies	   raised	   from	   these	   items	   should	   be	   donated	   to	   
     the	   Metropolitan	   Hospital	   Sunday	   Fund	   of	   which	   Henry	   N.	   Custance	   was	   Secretary	   for	   many	   years.	   	   	   

     Some	    more	    rarely	    seen	   
     cycling	    organisation	    plaques	   
     that	    used	    to	    adorn	    our	   
     countryside	   in	   50’s	   &	   60’s.	   
     Have	   you	   seen	   one	   recently?	   
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