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            Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine          Volume 14             No.1 March 2017

    President Samuel Pickwick/Bullman then responded
    on behalf of the Club and commenting on how much
    he had enjoyed his year, and hoped that the extra
    events he had organised had been enjoyed by all the
    participants. His final duty of his presidential year
    was to hand over the responsibility of Club President
    to one Alfred Jingle Esq (Ron Beale) until the next
    Annual Garden party in December 2017.

                             We then had an eventful interval, whilst Dr.Slammer took on
                             the  role  of  Auctioneer  to  sell  to  the  highest  bidder  an
                             autographed Sky Team Maillot Jaune from the 2016 Tour de
                             France,  very  kindly  donated  by  Dr  Richard  Usher,  the  Sky
                             Team  doctor,  and  guest  of  George  the  Father.  An  amazing
                             £1150 was raised.

                             Community singing of Auld Lang Syne, brought proceedings to a
                             close  for  another  year,  although  there  were  plenty  of
                             opportunities  for  the  now  regular  photo-shots  with  both  the
                             Household Cavalry Officers & the Chelsea Pensioners.
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