Page 6 - PBCMarch2017
P. 6
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 14 No.1 March 2017
Some 18 riders set off from Imber Court ably led by Andy Skinner in Hunt’s absence,
and the initial part of the ride took a while for everyone to catch up, due to traffic light
road works, but safely managed we pushed on through Hampton Hill to Hampton Court
Bridge. This took a bit of negotiating amongst busy traffic, with some riders opting for the
pavement and the pedestrian x-ings. Once on to the towpath it was plain sailing-well cycling –
for the 3 miles to Kingston Bridge. Heading to Bushy Park, we temporarily lost both our
President & Treasurer, but they were soon rounded up and wheels were rolling once again.
I’ve not done the veteran’s ride before, so maybe it’s
me, but the stags & deer frequently mentioned in
previous years seem to pose
for the passing Pickwickians.
Very splendid beings they
are too – the wildlife that is.
Road junctions traversed
carefully and on to the Diane
Fountain where the two
Ordinary’s caused much excitement amongst the queuing
motorists as they circled the fountain several times before
overtaking them and heading for the gate.
As we made our way through Hampton Court Palace gardens we
found ourselves amongst several school parties of young children
who looked somewhat bemused at both our bicycles and attire. A teacher suitably explained
that we were “old people on old bikes”……!! Thanks!
Assembling in front of the Palace for the formal picture taken by Mr Watty with some
modern technology, we were then besieged by tourists with funny accents and wanting
pictures –even selfies, with these equally funny cyclists.