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            Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine          Volume 14             No.1 March 2017

                                                 	   	   The	   Baron	   Carl	   Drais	   von	   Sauerbronn	   

                                                 	   	   (who	   looks	   remarkably	   like	   Mr	   Wa@y,	   
                                                 	   	   	   or	   is	   it	   the	   other	   way	   around?)	   

             His invention, although short lived, soon took his name in Germany as a draisine, in
    France as a draisine, and in England it was given the name Hobby Horse or Dandy Horse as
    most of the riders were dapper young men with more money than sense! In 1819 the British
    coach-builder  Denis  Johnson  produced  an  improved  version,  although  it  was  soon  banned
    from the streets due to accidents with pedestrians.

          It wasn't until 1864 that Pierre Michaux added cranks and pedals to the front wheel
    and  together  with  the  Olivier  brothers  they  developed  the  Michauline  or  Velocipede  in
    France, which was fondly known as the Boneshaker in England, and the bicycle craze was
    well under way.

    Today it is well recognised that the best way to teach children to cycle is to start them on
    a hobby horse or glide bike - so the invention of 1817 likes on!

     Should members wish to support Mr.Watty in raising funds for Cancer Research UK, please
    visit his Just Giving website at:

    Did you know……?

    Buster Keaton rode a Dandy Horse in the 1923 film “Our Hospitality”

    The modern ‘balance bike’ available to help young children learn to ride, is based
    on the Dandy Horse.
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