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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 10 No.2 July 2013
Write to:
This is the place where members may express their views and comments on Stan Rose
matters concerning the club and its activities. All letters are welcome and your ‘Mere’
input is confidently awaited! Bucks. HP5 2TF
Editor’s Note: Pickwickians - I can’t find your letters: please write - I am lonely! Or e-mail
All my best wishes to the club in 2013
Yours truly Freda Davies
Job share curator/ trustee/ volunteer
The National Cycle Collection,
Dear members, The Automobile Palace, Temple Street,
Llandrindod Wells, Powys. LD1 5DL
I write on behalf of the National Cycle Collection
in Llandrindod Wells, Mid Wales.
Tel. 01597 825531
Web site:
The museum has the largest display of bicycles
and cycling memorabilia in the UK, including
several original Pickwick Bicycle Club badges National Cycle Museum Trust
which your club has borrowed to make copies. Registered Charity No.5112
Hope you liked them!
The charity struggles financially with a low
volume of visitors and several grant applications
last year were turned down largely due to
funders being oversubscribed with applications.
We do hire out some bicycles, charge for
outreach school visits and occasionally sell Dear Sir,
Please accept my apologies for the delay in
Taking bicycles to shows and events helps us acknowledging and extending the thanks of the
to get some publicity and sometimes we get a Charles Dickens Statue Committee and the
payment to help offset costs. Portsmouth Branches of the Dickens Fellowship
for the generous donation of £1,671.23 from the
Is there any way please that members can help Pickwick Cycling Club to the Charles Dickens
us financially to try to secure the future of the Statue Fund.
In spite of various problems, we are at the point
I know you all appreciate older bicycles and I where, as soon as we receive the go ahead
would warmly welcome any member who from the Portsmouth City Council, the statue –
wishes to see the museum, whether or not they already moulded and in the foundry – can be
wish to offer a donation. put for casting. We will then be immediately able
to notify an unveiling date.
I can be contacted at the museum on 01597
825531/ home 01938 552817 , if you wish to Yours in all Fellowship
know more. Professor A J (Tony) Pointon
Thank you very much for your time. Treasurer.