Page 13 - PBCJuly2013
P. 13
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 10 No.2 July 2013
William R. Clarke 1909 to 1918 Committee
A.S. Stewart 1937 to 1940
F.L. Cyprien 1941 to 1957
M.F. Brandon 1962 to 1970
F. Bliss 1971 to 1973
Brian Chapman 1973 to present
Soloman Lucas – Jew in the High Street. Costumier, Eatanswill:
“'In character!' 'As Minerva. But I forgot--it's a fancy-dress DEJEUNE.' 'Dear me,' said Mr.
Pickwick, glancing at his own figure--'I can't possibly--' 'Can't, sir; can't!' exclaimed Mr. Leo
Hunter. 'Solomon Lucas, the Jew in the High Street, has thousands of fancy- dresses. Consider,
Sir, how many appropriate characters are open
for your selection. Plato, Zeno, Epicurus, Pythagoras--all founders of clubs.'”
Photo taken on mobile
Wm. S. Argent 1920 to 1928 phone but did not
A.W. Stone 1936 to 1939 transfer. Forgiven
Stanhope Shelton 1941 to 1944 this time, but never
Leslie Grose 1948 to 1958 Hon. Auditor 1957 again.
A.H. Ashmore 1958 to 1976
R.C. Vander 1976 to 1991 Quality is rarely good
Alan J. Wellan 1991 to present enough for our use!
Mr Justice Stareleigh posted this image - he was driving the school bus
when saw the Barber Shop and popped inside for a quick shave!