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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 17 No.1 March 2020 6
The day dawned bright and sunny once again for the annual Hampton Court Ride……..
Hunt reports on the 2019 Hampton Court Bike Ride
This year saw more members than ever dusting off their much loved machines, loading them
on backs of cars and heading for Imbercourt at Esher, for what turned out to be the biggest
cycling event number wise the Club has had in years. In sunny conditions, 27 members and
their guests set off a bit late - in spite of Pruffle shouting his usual “3 minutes riders”, but
this time it was a mechanical delay as five members and three guests, tried in vain, and failing
miserably to fit a replacement B17 Brooks saddle to ‘Mr Luffey’s’ bike, that had given up the
ghost last year, but still made it to the start line this time around, for another
uncomfortable ride.
Gathering at Imbercourt
awaiOng the off from
We headed off on our 10 mile ride, (with Mr Luffey on his half-leather half-metal frame
saddle) along the Thames towpath from Hampton Court to Kingston, where after a short
pause, on to Bushy Park. Making our way through the park, we saw the usual stags strutting
their stuff to impress the female members of the species. We then stopped at the Star pub’
in Hampton Hill our regular watering hole (before lunch!), for a well earned pint or so, and a
fresh sandwich platter. This year, courtesy of Georgia’s Kitchen” in the High St.
Do we know where we are going? At least we have bread to keep us going unOl the next food stop