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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	17																													No.1	March	2020							  2

    Editorial perambulations……
        I usually use this space to ramble on a bit, but this time I
    write with considerable sadness following the passing of Joe
    the Fat Boy – aka Stan Rose in early January. As many of you
    will know, Stan was the editor of the Club newsletter for over
    10  years  –  until  2014  when  I  took  over.  He  was  extremely
    helpful and patient during the transition of the magazine into
    a  new  pair  of  hands.  I  was  very  grateful  for  his  help
    especially  when  we  both  realised  he  was  using  a  Microsoft
    system and I was using AppleMac. Several trips to his home
    near  Chesham  –  and  I  found  that  with  Hilary’s  help  he  had
    managed the magazine in his own style with great success. It was simply a newsletter -double
    sided  A4  sheets  of  mainly  text  –  in  the  beginning  but  with  his  capabilities  on  the  PC  he
    transformed  it  into  the  magazine  style  we  have  today.  He  had  a  wealth  of  informative
    nuggets about cycling and Club archive material that he could call upon to fill the many odd
    blank spaces, as he was always in need of copy. Stan, we will miss you, and we thank you for
    your many years of producing the magazine. There is more about Stan later in the magazine
    from his close friend of some 50years, Justice Stareleigh.
       After that sad news, I would just like to remind everyone, as if that’s necessary, that 2020
    is the 150th Anniversary of our existence. The exact date the Club was formed is allegedly
    three weeks after the death of Charles Dickens in June 1870, but like so much of our early
    years  history  it  is  not  easy  to  be  so  specific  about  the  detail.  We  do  however  have  some
    information from the descendants of several of the “Original Six Members”, but even that
    cannot  be  completely  relied  on  as  being  beyond  questioning.  More  about  that  later  in  the

       The 2020 working party hope to see the remainder of their plans come to fruition during
    the year, but the success of the celebrations are very much dependent on the members to
    support all or as much as possible the planned events. Part of the plan is to have an extra
    magazine sometime in July, so I really need your help with any historical information you may
    have about the Club.
    Enjoy this memorable year in the Club’s history………. Editor

    Closing Date for the July issue -30th May.
    All  contributions  are  welcome  and  should  be  sent  to  the  Editor,  by  email  to:  or to:
    Taverners, Warninglid Lane, Plummers Plain, West Sussex RH13 6NY
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