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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	17																													No.1	March	2020							  5

                           Past President’s Charity Update

                                 As  mentioned  in  the  Garden  Party  report,  the  Club  have
                           amassed  over  £7000  in  charitable  donations  (fines  &  arm
                           twisting etc) for the Rockinghorse Charity. In the October issue
                           you will have seen my mugshot handing over the cheque for the
                           first  two  bilirubin  jaundice  detection  monitors,  to  the  Sussex
                           Community mid-wives, with amazing results.. With further monies
                          collected  at  the  Golf  Day  (thank  you  Smithers)  and  Hampton
    Court Ride (thank you Pruffle), plus the December Garden Party, we have been able to fund
    a  further  four  monitors  which  will  be  a  huge  benefit  all  involved.  This  has  been  greatly
    appreciated  by  the  mid-wives  as  well  as  Rockinghorse  and  I  subsequently  received  the
    following thank yous from both, which are published below:

    ‘Dear	Roger,
    Please	see	below	the	latest	update	from	Kelly	Parker	the	Midwifery	Matron	about	the	incredible	impact	of	the
    bilirubinometers.		Thank	you	so	much	for	choosing	Rockinghorse.		Hollie’
    ‘Hi	Hollie,	This	is	so	fabulous	to	hear!	The	posiOve	impact	these	meters	have	had	is	ongoing!	I	will	provide	you	with
    some	more	figures	of	just	how	many	babies	have	been	assessed	using	these	meters	but	the	impact	is	beyond	measure
    in	other	ways.	Just	the	difference	this	has	made	to	families	in	terms	of	their	Ome	and	energy	not	being	used	up	siUng
    in	A&E	or	Bolney	Ward	waiOng	for	this	really	quick	test	whilst	the	busy	staff	a[end	to	more	pressing	ma[ers	and	unwell
    paOents.	The	difficult	conversaOons	that	midwives	had	been	having	to	have	in	the	home	when	they	discuss	with	the
    family	why	they	need	to	go	and	trek	to	hospital	with	their	brand	new	babies	just	a	day	or	two	a]er	they’ve	been
    discharged	from	hospital.	All	of	the	stress	and	hassle	has	been	removed	from	our	working	lives	in	that	respect	which	is
    priceless.	In	terms	of	number	of	babies	we	have	seen	and	tested	in	the	community	with	our	exisOng	bilirubinometers
    funded	via	the	Rockinghorse	Charity,	the	addiOonal	four	monitors	will	only	increase	this	further	which	is	just	brilliant:

    For	the	whole	of	BSUH	(PRH	and	RSCH)	for	the	months	Oct/Nov	and	Dec	we	tested	158	babies	and	of	these	babies	13
    of	them	were	referred	into	hospital	for	further	tests.	Of	the	13,	only	8	of	the	babies	were	re-admi[ed	for	treatment
    such	as	blood	tests,	UV	light	therapy	or	IV	fluids.

    So	this	means	these	meters	are	helping	to	keep	the	work	flow	through	A&E	to	just	essenOal	work	by	allowing	us	to
    screen	these	babies	in	community	seUngs	and	then	only	refer	in	those	babies	with	high	levels	of	bilirubin	for	further
    review	whilst	the	rest	remain	under	the	care	of	the	community	midwives.	Also	we	knew	last	year	that	lots	of	families
    would	decline	or	delay	taking	their	babies	in	to	the	hospital	for	various	reasons	but	o]en	to	do	with	distance,	transport,
    other	children	etc	so	there	was	always	the	concern	that	an	unwell	baby	would	not	get	the	treatment	they	needed
    which	could	lead	to	devastaOng	consequences.	So	those	8	babies	that	have	been	admi[ed	and	treated	have	potenOally
    been	kept	safe	by	the	provision	of	this	screening	test	in	the	community.
    Thank	you	again	to	the	Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	and	Rockinghorse	Charity	for	donaOng	to	BSUH	maternity	and	helping	us
    to	keep	these	precious	babies	safe.		Kind	regards,	Kelly	Parker-		Community	Midwifery	Matron’
    I can say no more than a BIG THANK YOU to everybody that made a donation during my
    Presidential year; the difference it has made to so many families is something for everyone
    to be proud of.   Winkle Snr
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