Page 10 - PBCOctober2015
P. 10
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 12 No.1 March 2015 !10
Samuel Pickwick in almost his final action as
President, called upon Trumpet Major
Timothy West of the Household Cavalry, who
has attended many of our luncheons, to step
forward and receive a set of Club cufflinks
and an invite to join us next year, without
having to work for his lunch. He responded
accordingly, apologising for an apparent
discordant note in one fanfare -that I doubt
many noticed, and saying how much he had
enjoyed this ‘duty’.
Our chief guest Ian Irving then took the microphone, and
kept us in raptures for the next millennium. Such a
professional act, ( which I can vouch for, having seen him
at other engagements a numb of times) and having
summarily dealt with one mis-guided heckler, he regaled
us with a diverse assortment of tales, some of which
were probably true.
He concluded with the toast to the “Immortal Memory….” before another rousing
applause required the powerful voice of the Captain to bring the room to order, and enable
our retiring President to respond.
President, Samuel Pickwick, (Samkin) has been a President extraordinaire, an with
heartfelt sincerity he thanked the Club for giving him the opportunity to hold the role for
a year, during which time he endeavoured to participate in all the Club activities, including
the addition of some new events.
He then formally passed on the baton in the usual manner to Quanko Samba who will now
be the Club President until December 2015.
Activities by then were running quite late and it was past many train departure times,
when we rose to conclude proceedings with Auld Lang Syne.