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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                  olume  19                          No.2 October 2022

                          Some News from your President…..

                          Gentlemen and Ladies, after the first ever President’s lunch to be
                          graced with lady guests, it’s been a pleasure to be your President
                          this year. I have been lucky enough to have been wearing the
                          chain of office for 2 major events so far, the member’s Black-Tie
                          Dinner, and the aforementioned May luncheon.

      At the first event, sitting at the top table, looking at my fellow members around the room,
    it gave me immense pride to be a member of such an historic Club. All those that attended,
    and I had the opportunity to speak to, had nothing but positivity say about the evening.
    Followed quickly by the Spring Luncheon at the Connaught Rooms, with our wives, partners
    and guests gracing the occasion, was another special occasion.

       I expect there will be many words from numerous people in this issue of the magazine
    about both events, so I would like to mention some of the other events I’ve been lucky to
    enough to attend in my year so far, that don’t always get a mention. I would like to thank all
    of the Past Presidents for inviting me to their lunch at The George in Southwark, a place
    stacked in history and good quality pub grub with a drop of red to wash it all down!   We
    talked at length about the two earlier events and ways forward for our historic Club, and
    with eleven (11) Past Presidents and myself, we came up with not unexpectedly, twelve (12)
    different perspectives as to where the Club is now, and it’s way forward.

      At this point I would like to invite all members to find time to express their views on the
    subject to our Club magazine editor Mr. Winkle Snr. (thanks Mr President!) As a member
    attending perhaps the AGM before the Garden Party each December, and with guests who
    need entertaining, I understand how hard it is to always get points across, with the result
    that views can go unheard.

      Another  event  I  was  invited  to  participate  in,  was  the  Anniversary  Ride  on  Sunday  19
    June, organised by one of our newer members The Marquis of Filoteville (Phil Saunders). It
    was a ride of some 20 miles from the old Downs Hotel site to the Dickens Museum and back
    with some ‘bubbles’ along the way!   A very enjoyable day out and one we hope will  be
    repeated each year from now on.   (see separate report on pp 31…Ed).
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