Page 31 - PBCOctober2022
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                  olume  19                          No.2 October 2022

        The Anniversary Ride
                   - June 19th 2022

     As mentioned already, your President reported that he was
    invited to participate in  the Anniversary Ride in June, organised
    by new(ish) member Phil Saunders/The Marquis of Filoteville.

                           He continues the tale…..”we met up at the Downs Hotel Hackney
                           with fellow members, Mr Watty & Mr Gunter, both riding their
                           Penny Farthings, along with eight invited guests, including three
                           lady  riders.  There  was  a  splendid  variety  of  machines  ranging
                           from 130years old to modern power assisted bikes, as we readied
                           ourselves for the 20 mile ride. Our journey took us through
                           Hackney Marshes, the Olympic Park, and Victoria Park on our way
                           to  the  Dickens  Museum,  seeing  parts  of  London,  I’ve  only  read
                           about in the Dicken’s books.  Having made our presence known at
                           the Museum, and supped copious amount of champagne in
                           celebration, we adjourned to St.
                           Paul’s Churchyard for a picnic lunch,
                           before turning our wheels north-
                           east to retrace our route to the
                           Downs Hotel site, and head home
                           after a very enjoyable day. Thanks
      At The Downs Hotel Site  to the   Marquis for his organisation
                          of our ride.”
                           It is Phil’s intention to make this a
    regular event in the Club calendar and to make it something of a
    special occasion, starting with next year’s ride which is planned
    to be on June25th. so watch out for details in the March 2023
    magazine.  As one of the organisers of the Hampton Court ride,
    I know how much effort goes into these events so please
    support him…….your President.                            Wa\y at The George & Vulture

    Eroica Britannia 2022?   -  just in case you’re wondering what happened about
    this event, it was cancelled!   A rather confusing message was sent out by the organisers
    that it was due to ‘technical difficulties’ with no real explanation, but there were also
    murmurings  locally  that  entry  numbers  were  quite  poor.  So  we  wait to  find  out if  it will
    happen in 2023.
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