Page 26 - PBCOctober2022
P. 26
Pickwick Bicy cle Cl ub Mag azine 19 N o.2 Oct obe r 2625
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine olume 19 No.2 October 2022 2022
Dr Slammer provided the following photos in support of his correspondence
Harry Lawson’s ‘Bicyclette’ which was patented in
1878 and was described as a Safety Bicycle.
A circa 1892 photograph of three intrepid bicyclists. The machine on the right is a 40”
pneumatic-tyred Crypto Geared Front Driving Bicycle, similar to that seen on the back cover
of the March magazine. The
Mr Pickwick goes to France in September1888
central machine is a lever driven
‘Facile’ Safety Bicycle of the type
manufactured by Ellis & Co from
1882, and the one on the left is a
Hillman Herbert& Cooper, solid-
tyred diamond-framed Safety
Bicycle, of the equal sized wheel
type that would eventually oust
Cycle Race results from September 1888
from the market, all other types
of bicycle.
I then got a bit carried away in my search, and noted that on the same day as the Pickwick
Beauvais appeared in ‘The Graphic’ -the London Times reported another arrest in connection with
‘The Whitechapel Murders’ - aka the Jack the Ripper murders!! That puts the PBC into its historical
Best Wishes….Count Smorltork
A circa 1894 photograph of a pneumatic-tired Crypto
I can offer a partial response to Count Smorltork about the photo on pp24………..
Geared Front Driving Bicycle
Robert (Bob) Willis held the soubriquet of Joseph Smiggers from 1919-1931, and he was
President in 1925.
Charles Willis, his son, was Prince Bladud from 1925 - 1939.
As for W.Webb, I will leave it to our most capable soubriquet historian, the current
Joseph Smiggers to comment……………………………..Editor