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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								6

             The Pickwick Bicycle Club

               2020 Anniversary Ride

        On  Wednesday,  June  22nd,  1870,  six  friends  “full  of  the
    freshness  of  youth”  took  to  the  new  sport  and  pastime  of
    cycling  “for  their  mutual  enjoyment  and  good  fellowship,”
    remembered a 1905 account of their exploits. Convening at the Downs Hotel, a then seven-
    year-old pub facing the recently conserved parkland of Hackney Downs in north London, the
    six velocipedists — J.A. Johnson, Jack Bryant, W.E. Maverly, K.M. Yeoman, L.C.B. Yeoman,
    and D.S. Medcalf — were minded to form a club. No name was floated at this first meeting,
                                                               but     it     wa s
                                                               nevertheless  decided
                                                               th at  th e  c lub’s
                                                               uniform  would  be
                                                               “simply  a  white  straw
                                                               hat  with  a  black  and
                                                               amber ribbon.” 

                                                                  At the same venue a
                                                               month  later  it  was
                                                               suggested  that  the
                                                               newly  minted  club
                                                               should  take  the  name
                                                               of  a  book  written  by
                                                               Charles  Dickens,  who,
                                                              in  June,  “had  but
    recently quitted for ever the sphere of his immortal labours,” said that 1905 history. The
    young  men  could  have  alighted  on  any  of  the  recently  deceased  author’s  novels,  but  they
    settled on his first: the Pickwick Bicycle Club was born. Taking place on the morning of a
    gloriously  sunny  Monday  June  22nd  2020,  the  celebration  —  complete  with  club  banners,
    hand sanitiser, and champagne in plastic flutes — attracted a small crowd. The curious well-
    wishers included three young women who live in the downstairs rooms of the former Downs
    Hotel, which, in 2007, had been converted to residential flats.
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