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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								3

                         A Secretarial Report for Autumn 2020

                                          from Sgt Buzfuz


          I trust you have all survived lockdown. What a way to celebrate the club’s 150  year with
   virtually  everything  cancelled/postponed.  Members  not  being  able  to  meet  and  officers
   wondering what might be possible in the future and when.

          You will have had details of the Hampton Court ride arranged by Hunt and Pruffle and I
   hope that some of you  were able to meet on that day. With Covid case numbers rising again in
   some  areas,  this  was  very  much  a  “watch  this  space”  event  and  hopefully  was  able  to  take

       What of the future? We have a booking at the Connaught Rooms for December 3  for the
   Garden Party and AGM. Whether either can take place we do not know at this stage. Your
   officers are meeting at the beginning of October when hopefully we will know more. If we
   cannot  meet,  the  AGM  could  be  run  electronically.  As  already  announced  the  postponed
   celebration dinner is now arranged for 5  March 2021, still at the Skinners Hall, and we have
   the usual booking in May for the President’s luncheon (13 ) when, as suggested for this year,
   ladies will be welcome. In my opinion, for these events to take place with our usual numbers it
   will need a vaccine to have been found.

        In the meantime, in our sport we can at least go out for a ride unlike some hobbies that
   need several other people. Football, cricket, and other team sports are starting up but with
   strict rule changes.

   Your officers will always hope to keep you advised and in the meantime please keep safe.

   Best Wishes……Buzfuz / Hon. Sec.
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