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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								4

    Your President has some words to say……..

    			How	very	unfortunate	it	is	that,	aFer	all	our	preparaHons	to	celebrate	the	150 th 	Anniversary	of	our
    Pickwick	Bicycle	Club,	that	in	this	very	year,	we	should	be	laid	low	by	the	effects	of	some	foreign	illness!
    Our	Club	suffered	the	Spanish	Flu	of	1918-1920,	and	we	will	survive	this	Asian	Flu	of	2019-20,	and	we	will
    meet	 again	 soon,	 to	 celebrate	 even	 more	 hearHly	 this	 centēsimus	 quīnquāgēsimus	 anniversary	 of	 our
    Club,	even	if	we	have	to	wait	unHl	2021!	Our	thanks	to	Samkin	and	his	team	for	the	excellent	beer,	badge,
    glass	 and	 He	 to	 mark	 our	 150 th 	 Anniversary,	 and	 I	 trust	 that	 you	 have	 enjoyed	 reading	 through	 our
    Membership	Book	2020?	Thank	you	for	your	contribuHons,	and	apologies	for	some	inevitable	errors	and
    omissions	–	it	will	be	beYer	next	Hme!
    			The	big	posiHve	from	lockdown	for	our	members	has	been	that	so	many	have	taken	to	cycling,	fuelling	a
    boom	for	the	cycling	industry	although	sourcing	product	has	been	an	inevitable	challenge.	Riding	on	quiet
    roads	was	an	unexpected	pleasure,	but	it	did	not	last	long	enough!
    			Importantly,	we	did	celebrate	the	day	of	our	150 th 	with	a	splendid,	socially	distanced	meet	at	the	Downs
    Hotel	on	22 nd 	June,	followed	by	a	ride	in	the	tracks	of	the	Club	Founders,	kindly	organised	by	our	new
    member,	Phil	Saunders.	You	can	read	Mr	Grundy’s	report	on	the	event	in	this	magazine	on	pages	6,7	&	8.
    			With	conHnuing	restricHons	on	large	meeHngs,	it	is	possible	that	we	will	be	unable	to	hold	our	planned
    AGM	and	Garden	Party	on	3 rd 	December	2020.	The	Club	Officers	will	discuss	this	at	a	virtual	meeHng	on
    6 th 	October	and	advise	you	soonest.
    		The	one	Club	event	that	is	sHll	hopefully	running	is	the	Club	Hampton	Court	ride	on	Thursday	8 th 	October
    and	our	thanks	to	Hunt	and	Pruffle	for	their	tenacity	in	making	this	happen	–	I	look	forward	to	riding	my
    1870	Velocipede,	made	in	the	same	year	as	the	Club	was	formed!
    	 It	 has	 been	 an	 honour	 to	 represent	 you	 as	 Mr	 Pickwick	 during	 this
    special	year,	even	if	I	have	been	furloughed!	I	have	been	touched	by	the
    suggesHon	 of	 a	 number	 of	 members	 that	 The	 Club	 should	 consider
    extending	my	posiHon	as	your	President	for	a	further	year,	and	I	believe
    this	proposal	will	be	tabled	at	our	AGM	on	3 rd 	December	2020.	My	very
    best	wishes	to	all	our	Members	as	we	learn	to	adjust	to	a	new	way	of
    living	-	keep	safe,	stay	alert	and	keep	cycling

    Your	humble	servant,

    Samuel Pickwick  (Mr Watty)
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