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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								2

                                       Editorial mumblings …….

                             After what has, without doubt been a difficult year so far for
                          everyone,  I  hope  that  you  have  all  managed  to  stay  in  good
                          health. Sadly of course our mega anniversary plans have all been
                            shelved  and  the  uncertainty  of  when  or  if,  they  can  be  re-
                          instigated  continues  to  be  unclear.  As  you  will  be  able  to  read
                          further  on  in  the  magazine  a  few  brave-heart  members  re-
                          enacted  the  1870  ride  by  our  original  members  on  the
                          appropriate June day-with social distancing observed of course.
                          Chapeau to them!
      There have of course been no regular events to report on so far this year, so this issue of
   the  magazine  has  a  somewhat  different  content  structure.  It  is  hoped  that  the  Hampton
   Court Ride may be achieved due to special efforts by Hunt & Pruffle. Hopefully too, with the
   excellent weather during the early summer, and time on your hands, many of you will have been
   out riding and enjoying the safety of the new pop-up cycle lanes. Or not! Some things don’t
   change and several of the safety lanes have already been suspended ……..because it slows down
   the traffic. Really?

       Also  this  year,  we  sadly  lost  4  members  who  are  mentioned  further  on  in  the  magazine,
   including an obituary for Peter Magnus/Keith Robins, who for many years, put so much into the
   world of cycling, and our Club. We will of course miss them all.
   Although  many  international  cycling  events  have  been  possible,  the  Club  officers  have  been
   looking  at  all  possible  options  to  get  our  Club  activities  going  again,  but  with  the  many
   restrictions still in place we are struggling. Your President and Secretary will have their own
   comments on this in their reports.
      We welcome the contribution in this magazine from Director of the Dickens’ Museum - Dr.
   Cindy Sughrue, for which we thank her kindly.

      I will conclude at this point with perhaps a note of optimism that hopefully, within the not
   too distance future, we can once again convene in true Pickwickian style & fellowship, which we
   all enjoy so much. Stay safe, stay well……Editor.

   Closing Date for the March 2021 issue is 31st January 2021.
   All  contributions  are  welcome  and  should  be  sent  to  the  Editor,  by  email  to:
   or to: Taverners, Warninglid Lane, Plummers Plain, West Sussex RH13 6NY
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