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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								19

       We  have  also  achieved  a  long-standing  aspiration  by  launching  our  Collections  Online,
    featuring  popular  items  from  the  collection,  each  with  a  description,  photographs  and
    information about the item’s history. We will continue to add to this on a monthly basis and
    hope to have reached the end of the 100,000+ items by the time we celebrate the Museum’s
    centenary in 2025.

                                                         A	sample		of	some	items	on

         We reached another important milestone when we were able to reopen the Museum on
    25   July  2020  after  18  weeks  of  closure.  A  steady  stream  of  enthusiastic  visitors  have
    followed and our new special exhibition, Technicolour Dickens: the Living Image of Charles
    Dickens,  featuring  new  colour  photographs,  undoubtedly  has  a  ‘wow’  factor.  With  social
    distancing measures in place, the Museum’s capacity is severely reduced; this is wonderful
    for visitors who have the space to really enjoy being in Dickens’s house, but does present
    some  obvious  difficulties  for  the  Museum’s  revenue  targets.  Fortunately,  a  Heritage
    Emergency  Grant  from  the  National  Lottery  Heritage  Fund  is  helping  with  our  reopening
    costs for the first three months; we’re far from out of danger but it’s a start.

    2020 is proving to be a memorable year – not quite the one we envisaged or planned, but one
    that is reminding us of what really matters in life.

    Cindy Sughrue
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