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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								16

       Membership Handbook E&O………

    Sometimes  errors  do  occur  during  planning  such  printed  matter,  and  the  Editor
    wishes to apologise for the following unfortunate errors that did occur in the new
    handbook. Please see below:

    Jeremy Burgess/Mr Luffey- actually joined in 1980, not 2008 as stated.

    David Evans /Lieutenant Tappleton(Retired) - the incorrect photo was used and
    unfortunately we still do not have the correct one.

                   Stewart Fairburn /New Member -  the incorrect photo
                                   was used, but here is the correct one.

    Adrian Stevens /Charley the Pot-boy - his soubriquet was omitted from the
    headline banner.

                     Bill Farrow /The Late Mr Bardell - the
                     incorrect photo was used, but here is the
                     correct one.

                       Peter Turner /Sam Weller (Retired) - your
                             photo was omitted, but here it is now.

      Please advise of any other errors, omissions or changes to your information to;
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