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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine															Volume	17															No.2	October	2020								14

    Soubriquets	ConHnued…….

    Mr Dumkins – Muggleton cricketer at Dingley Dell match

    “All-Muggleton had the first innings; and the interest became intense when Mr. Dumkins and Mr. Podder,
    two of the most renowned members of that most distinguished club, walked, bat in hand, to their respective
    wickets. Mr. Luffey, the highest ornament of Dingley Dell, was pitched to bowl against the redoubtable
    Dumkins, and Mr. Struggles was selected to do the same kind office for the hitherto unconquered Podder.
    Several players were stationed, to 'look out,' in different parts of the field, and each fixed himself into the
    proper attitude by placing one hand on each knee, and stooping very much as if he were 'making a back'
    for  some  beginner  at  leap-frog.  All  the  regular  players  do  this  sort  of  thing;--indeed  it  is  generally
    supposed that it is quite impossible to look out properly in any other position.”

    H V Smith                  1882 to 1901
    A A Deakin                 1937 to 1948   Ass. Hon. Sec. 1938
    J F Williams               1959 to 1968
    C Tony Green               1973 to 2004
    Patrick Greene             2006 to present

               3-In-One Oil………did you know?

    We’ve all used the 3-in-One oil for many different lubrication needs, but did you
    ever wonder why it was called that?

    Originally formulated in the USA in 1894 for use on….. yes, bicycles!

    And why 3-in-One? Simple - “clean, lubricate and protect” from one tin.

    So now you know how important that little tin(or plastic as it is now) container
    with a red spout has always been so much part of a cyclist’s toolkit
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