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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																		Volume	14																													No.2		October	2017							@9

    Bob Sawyer’s Luncheon Guest List…..

         “First let me welcome our Guest Speaker – a charming comedy natural, Josh Daniels.
    His career all started by making friends & family laugh after changing the lyrics to songs
    (he’s been doing it since he was given his first guitar when he was  a 12 year old), and is what
    led Josh on the road to what is now a very successful comedy career. He is guaranteed to
    make  you  laugh  from  the  moment  he  steps  in  front  of  the  microphone,  to  long  after  the
    lights go out…. I will leave you to be the judge of that.

       We welcome, Steve Poulter, former GB international and professional rider. He rode in
    the 1983 World Championships in Switzerland, the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, and was a
    National Team Member from 1979 -1984, riding  multiple stage races, the Milk Race, Peace
    race,  Sealink  International  and  Coors  Classic  to  name  but  a  few.  And  rode  the
    KelloggKellogg'ss Tour of Britain in 1987.He has lived in the USA for the past 32 years, and
    has  been  a  driver  for  UPS  for  many  years.  Steve  has  just  been  given  the  UPS  Circle  of
    Honor award for 25 years of faultless driving. Companies in the U.S. love to give out awards
    to encourage loyalty…needs to speed up in my book, get a few more packages delivered to
    get my award! 

        On  Table  33  we  have  Chalky  White,  Hon  Sec  of  the  Pedal  Club  and  guest  of  Joseph
    Smiggers. Stanley Harris on Table 38 is the uncle of Tom Cummins, and he is training for an
    “End to End” ride at the end of May. He has ridden it 6 times already in both directions, …
    Oh I nearly forgot, he celebrated his 80  birthday in March!
        Geoff Thompson is the guest of The Red Nosed Mr Stiggins and he has kindly donated a
    complete set of Dicken’s novels in recognition of the charity work done by the club. We have
    a  former  professional  footballer  on  Table  13  –  Peter  Kitchen,  who  played  for  Doncaster
    Rovers, Fulham, The Orient and Cardiff and is the guest of Mr Crawley. A day short of his
    XX  birthday,  Past  President  Justice  Stareleigh  has  guest  Ernest  Morris  -Augustus
    Snodgrass and secretary of the Dicken’s Pickwick Club.

    Our President Samuel Pickwick has  Dominic from Canada as his guest.

    Gentlemen,	 your	 are	 most	 welcome	 to	 join	 us	 for	 today’s	 luncheon	 and	 to	 enjoy	
    Pickwickian	 hospitality.	 Can	 I	 now	 ask	 members	 of	 the	 Pickwick	 Bicycle	 Club	 to	 be	
    upstanding	and	toast	our	guests……….”	
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