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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																		Volume	14																													No.2		October	2017							@10

    ‘History of the Pickwick Bicycle Club’

    Dr Slammer sent me the following missive of intrigue:

    Dear	Mr	Winkle,		
    			Several	years	ago,	I	was	given	a	copy	of	the	‘History	of	the	Pickwick	Bicycle	Club’	compiled	by	
    the	Hon.Mr	Crushton,	1905	first	ediWon.	On	the	front	free	endpaper	is	the	name	of	the	one	
    Wme	owner,	W.	Webb	and	confirming	that	he	was	a	member	of	the	PBC.	Further	sandwiched	
    between	the	pages	was	the	enclosed	monochrome	photograph	of	a	group	of	cyclists	with	an	
    inscripWon	on	the	reverse	saying	“	Pickwick	BC	-	Bob	Willis	in	centre”.		
    			I	wonder	if	any	member	recognises	anyone	in	the	picture,	and	if	so,	perhaps	we	could	arrive	
    at	a	date	and	/or	the	venue	that	the	photograph	was	taken?	Also	do	we	know	if	W.Webb	was	a	
    Pickwick	member?	
    Dr	Slammer	(Peter	MacDonald-Card)	

                                                   In  response  to  this  request,  our
                                                   master  of  the  soubriquet  histories
                                                   Joseph  Smiggers  was  able  to
                                                   enlighten  us  with  the  following

                                                   “	W.Webb	was	a	member	of	the	Club.	
                                                   His	 soubriquet	 was	 Serjeant	
                                                   Snubbins,	 and	 he	 joined	 the	 Club	
                                                   someWme	between	1878	and	1881.	

    Robert	‘Bob’	Willis	was	also	a	member	of	the	Club.	His	soubriquet	Joseph	Smiggers	(that’s	me!)	
    and	he	joined	the	Club	in	1919,	and	became	President	in	1925.	His	son	Charles	Reginald	Willis	
    became	a	member	in	1925.	
    Hope	this	helps?……..	Joseph	Smiggers	“	

    If anybody else has any additional information about this picture please let me know..Editor
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