Page 8 - PBCOctober2017
P. 8

Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																		Volume	14																													No.2		October	2017							@8

           He said he hoped to arrange some additional events during the year, such as lunch at the
    Leather Bottle (as per last year), plus a London Walk of the Dickensian pubs –sounds good.
    He then asked Club Members to be upstanding for the toast to our guests, followed by an
    inimitable rendering of Auld Lang Syne.

         There followed some photographic high jinx in the foyer bar with Frank Simmery trying
    the  Drasine,  and  Mr  Dumkins  encouraging  members  to  ‘try  their  hand’  at  mounting  the
    Ordinary/Penny Farthing. Getting slightly out of hand, the lady member of the Household
    Calvary was duly coerced into participation, which she achieved with aplomb, in spite of her
    spurs! The two lady members of the Connaught Rooms staff did likewise, including the one
    with  the  very  tight  skirt.  Thereafter  members  and  guests  attempts  failed  to  catch  the
    imagination! And so another spring lunch drifted into the history books, and participants in
    the wide blue yonder (Hercules Pillars?)……until the December Garden Party.
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