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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																		Volume	14																													No.2		October	2017							@4

                         The Captain wishes to say a few words………..

                         Dear  fellow  Pickwickians,  this  is  my  first  message  as  your  new
                         Captain. As you are aware I became your Captain at last year’s AGM
                         and I consider it a great privilege to follow in the footsteps of such
                         a distinguished person as our previous captain Dismal Jemmy /Bob
                         Upton. I would like to thank and pay tribute to him in equal measure
                         since  it  was  a  privilege  to  work  alongside  Dismal  Jemmy  for  a
    number of years , which gave me a tremendous insight into the important role of Captain. I
    know how hard Bob worked in the role of our Captain and wish him well in his retirement
    from this position, I am delighted to say that after a health scare it seems that Dismal
    Jemmy is now fine, and I look forward to welcoming him to many more club occasions. Bob
    thank you for all the help and guidance you afforded me when I was your deputy. 

       Now to the Captains usual reminder; please can I remind all members to make sure that
    you and your guests turn up on time and that means not only be in the hall by 12.50 pm,
    but are also properly dressed. I must remind you all, that Jackets and Ties must be worn
    at  all  times;  it  is  essential  to  be  on  time  because  lateness  delays  lunch  and  this  is  not
    acceptable, and means that the President and Distinguished Guest are held up in their grand
      All bars close at 12.50 pm, so again please do not try to order drinks and wine after that
    time. Wine waiters are available in the hall. Thank you to all those members who are now
    ordering their wine in advance this seems to be working well. 
    Pickwickian greetings to you all.
    Dr Payne 

     A reminder………….

    The 147th Annual Garden Party will be held on Thursday 7th December
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