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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                  ume  19                            No.1 March 2022

                           President, Samuel Pickwick
                                        has a few words to say…..

                          Every now and then I get one of those moments when the hairs on
     the back of my neck stand on end, and for me, this happened at the President's  lunch in
     December last year, when the out-going President, Mr Watty, asked for “Hunt“, to please make
     his way to the top table. With pride, I made my way to the front with generous applause from
     members and guests alike, to receive the President’s medal of office.

        Other members have probably had a similar moment, when you became a member, and stood
     with pride in front of the very impressive Connaught Rooms main hall to hear your soubriquet
              Amendments to March Magazine Copy
     announced; mine was on the 4th May 2000 when, in accordance with the provisions of rule 3 at
     Club events, I would hereafter be known as “Hunt”. Then, as now, I stood listening for the first
     time in the great room, and the hairs  stood up on the back of my neck.
       pp4 paras 3 & 4

      I would like to thank the out-going President for all of his hard work, in what has been
          I would like to thank the out-going President for all of his hard work, in what has been a  a
     tough two years for him, during which most events were cancelled or postponed. However as I
     tough two years for him, during which most events were cancelled or postponed. However as I
     write ,the Club has a full agenda of events planned during my year as President, starting with
     write ,the Club has a full agenda of events planned during my year as President, starting with
     the re-arranged 150th Black Tie members Dinner on the 25th February when it is hoped that
     the re-arranged 150th Black Tie members Dinner on the 25th February when it is hope that as
     as many members as possible will attend.
     many members as possible will attend.
      As our Honorary Secretary said to me back in May 2000, in Chapter 19 when I stood awaiting
        As our Honorary Secretary said to me back in May 2000, in Chapter 19 when I stood awaiting
     my sobriquet, in Chapter 19 "Mr Pickwick   may have taken more than cold punch this lunch8me
     my soubriquet, in Chapter 19 "Mr Pickwick  may have taken more than cold punch this lunch8me
     and fallen asleep in a wheelbarrow.   So should you find me asleep at lunch , perhaps you could
     and fallen asleep in a wheelbarrow.   So should you find me asleep at lunch, perhaps you could
     remove me  in something more comfortable with 4 wheels”.
     remove me  in something more comfortable with 4 wheels”.
     Please take him at his word, so if you find me in such a state, be so kind as to order me a taxi!
      pp31  6/7th August …last line/email address corrected
     I look forward to meeting and sharing 2022 with you all.
     event.  More information from – Mr Watty:
     Regards from your President, Samuel Pickwick.
     pp32 main panel in blue text

     observations - “ yes, they were tried, probably as an attempt to keep the high wheeler type of
     machine in business. There were technical problems of creating a pneumatic tyre big enough to
     encompass  the  circumference  of  the  big  wheel,  and  it  quickly  became  clear  that  the  design
     would not be viable. Then by the late 1880 - early 1890s, the experimental period of design of
     the  Safety  Bicycle  had  almost  settled  for  the  now  familiar  diamond  frame;  then  came  the
     pneumatic tyre and the Ordinary became a source of mockery. I’m not aware of any surviving
     pneumatic tyred Ordinaries - even without their tyres, and they simply disappeared to the scrap
     heap. But, yes they did exist as seen in the photograph.”
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