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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                  ume  19                            No.1 March 2022

                                Editorial thoughts……….
                                   Here we are once more, still in uncertain times, which
                                 continues to make life difficult to plan with any
                                 confidence.  However  your  committee  have  been  hard  at
                                 work to ensure that our outstanding events for the 150th
                                 celebrations will go ahead this year wherever possible.
                                 I would like to say a personal thank you to Mr Watty, who
                                 took  on  the  mantle  of  President  in  the  expectation  of
                                 glorious celebrations of our 150th Anniversary, and in
                                 spite  of  it  all  being  put  on  hold,  continued  to  make  sure
                                 that the Club continued to function as best it could
                                 throughout his extended tenure.

       We must congratulate Dame Laura & Sir Jason Kenny on receiving recognition from HM
    The Queen, in the New Years Honours List. Chapeau to you both!
    What can we look back on since the last issue - the Hampton Court Ride took place from a
    new  venue  on  the  Thames;  the  December  Garden  Party  went  ahead;  and  we  have  a  new
    President - aka Hunt - as you will see in the following pages.
    So what else - how about the new Highway Code for cyclists, pedestrians and motorists?
    Well,  from  what  I  can  see,  the  changes  for  cyclists  are  both  good  &  bad,  but more
    importantly, how many road users are aware of them? So a pedestrian can step off the kerb
    in front of you when you, or a motor vehicle are turning left, and will have right of way. I can
    see a few issues there! And to safeguard us cyclists, when approaching a junction, we should
    move out to the centre of the lane, so we are visible to motorists. Definitely see an issue
    there! I am aware that the intended changes for cyclists to no longer be allowed to ride two
    abreast, have been scrapped (that’s good in most cases-not all) but I fear the patience of
    motorists will be strained, if they are impeded by cyclists in the middle of the road. Many
    of us are still plagued by motorists who don’t give us enough room when passing, so in the
    middle of the road, we will be targets. And don’t forget to open your car door with your left
    hand to safeguard passing cyclists.

     Hopefully many of you have been able to continue to ride as often as possible and retain
    reasonable fitness during the past 2 years of the pandemic, and can convert the endeavours
    of your efforts into plenty of bike riding this year, as life hopefully returns to some degree
    of normality.  Hope to see many of you ‘up the road’ in the months to come as 2022 unfolds
    before us.  Ride Safely, Ride Happy……..  Editor

    Closing Date for the October 2022 issue will be 31st August 2022
    All contributions are welcome and much needed, and should be sent to the Editor, by email
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