Page 13 - PBCMarch2022
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine ume 19 No.1 March 2022
The 151st Annual Garden
Celebrations were under way once more when the Household
Cavalry sounded the fanfare to put everyone under starters
orders for the first time since 2019. Reduced numbers and a
different layout of the Grand Hall at the Connaught Rooms,
to ensure safe social distancing greeted us, as we prepared
for our latest Annual Garden Party.
There was a distinct
murmuring of excitement
amongst members and
guests, as we finally
gathered to enjoy this,
our first live luncheon, but
wait…..where is our
Captain? A victim of the
pandemic, he was forced
to isolate and so it fell on the broad shoulders of Vice-Captain
Dumkins, to call the room to order by means of the Club bell.
We all duly applauded the arrival of our
President, Samuel Pickwick with principle guest,
Adger Brown, to their position at the very select
top table, before boaters were removed for
grace. We were soon back into the swing of
things, as hardly had a morsel entered our
mouths, than there was a call by Dumkins to
stand, or sing …or both. The first of these was
the arrival of the original member, Charles Fitz-
Marshall who it seems must have been on the The Original Member
road since the last Garden Party in 2019.