Page 23 - PBCMarch2018
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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	15																													No.1	March	2018							 !23

     J Foxley-Norris   1875 to 1880    Rejoined in 1907. Life Member. Died 1957.
                                                                   Gold medal 1919. Treasurer (1910, 24-27)
     W T Turner                        1881 to 1932
     C O Lock                          1937 to 1939
     W A Foster                        1939 to 1949
     G H Brenchley                     1954 to 1966
     A E Barnfather                    1968 to 1974
     Peter M Squire                    1978 to 2004 President (1984)
     Rob Wheatley                      2006 to 2011

    National Cycle Museum

    I  received  a  request  to  mention  in  the  magazine  that  the  National  Cycle  Museum  in
    Llandridnod Wells has  recently  launched a  MYDONATE section, under  the SUPPORT US
    heading  on  its  website -     The museum is a charity, No. 511257.

    “We  are  the  main  UK  cycle  museum  and  we  are  in  need  of  funds  if  any  of  the  Pickwick
    members feel like making a donation towards our running costs they would be most welcome.
    Legacies, funeral donations, sponsorship donations, are just some   of the   many other ways
    the club  could help support us. All staff are volunteers and grants are virtually non-existent
    unless  for  specialist  projects.  2018  is  the  bi-centennial  year  of  the  British  cycle  –  the
    Johnson of London version of the hobby horse.

    The  Pickwick  BC  badges  are  always  on  view  in  the
    badges  case,  and  are  frequently  pointed  out  to
    visitors as probably the oldest cycle club badges we
    have.“  (  one  shield,  seen  here,  was  loaned  to
    Smiggers and seen at the December AGM)

    For further info, contact :
    Freda –trustee/curator/volunteer -
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