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Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																			Volume	15																													No.1	March	2018							 !26

           The 2018 Annual Golf & Cycle Ride Day
                    Of the Pickwick Bicycle Club

                      will be held on Thursday June 7   th

          Tee off 10.45am @ Harpenden Common Golf Club, Herts
                       NOTE - Cyclists T-off at 0930hrs

      Entry Form:

        Please reserve          …… places for golf & luncheon                @ £63 each

                                        …… places for cycle ride & luncheon        @ £34 each

                                        …… places for luncheon only                    @ £28 each

        I enclose my cheque for £………..     (Payable to the Pickwick Bicycle Club)

        I would like  ……. Vegetarian/vegan/gluten free meals (Please indicate which)

       Member’s Name …………………………………………………………..    Golf H/Cap……………..

                          Soubriquet …………………………………………………..

                          Email/tel number …………………………………………………………..

         Guest Name(s)  ………………………………………………………………        Golf H/Cap …………….

                                  ………………………………………………………………                          ……………..

                                   ………………………………………………………………                         ……………..

        Entries	should	be	sent	by	email	to	Smithers	Esq	–		or	by	post	to	
            Smithers	Esq	at	Keepers	CoHage,	Church	Rd,	SuHon,	Sandy,	Beds	SG19	2NB	
                                or	tel:	01767	835800	
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