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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine            Volume 12                  No.1  March 2015  !4

        A Secretarial Report


        from   Sgt Buzfuz


       Spring 2015 - Another year, the club’s 145th. Your committee are starting to think
       about  2020  and  our  150th  anniversary.  Anyone  with  ideas  as  to  how  best  we  might
       celebrate that event, please contact a committee member.
       New members to the committee elected at the AGM included Roger Hitchman (Hunt)
       and  Paddy  Green  (Dumkins).  Fred  parr  (Quanko  Samba)  was  elected  President  and
       Brian Vandervilt (Bullman) as Deputy President. Stuart Mason-Elliott (Mr Watty) took
       up the mantle as Assistant Secretary.

            The principal guest at the Garden Party, Ian Irving was superb, but once again I
       wish we could say the same about the service from the Connaught Rooms especially
       the wine waiters. Your committee is well aware of all the problems and we are to meet
       the  General  Manager  and  others  in  a  few  weeks  time,  to  discuss  the  matter  and
       hopefully reach agreement to stop similar incidents in the future.
          In addition, and despite previous notices from myself and the Captain, members and
       guests still do not seem to have the courtesy to be in the Grand Hall and seated by
       1.00pm  so  that  your  President  and  principal  guest  are  not  kept  waiting  outside.
       Members who failed to observe this simple task have been noted.

            Another full programme is arranged this year with the usual dates for Golf (11th
       June) and Benson  (5th July) , and I hope to see as many of you as possible at these
       events.  {a  full  list  of  known  event  dates  can  be  found  later  in  this  issue…Editor}
       Further dates will be discussed at the coming committee meeting and will be published
       in the members section of the web site. Communication to members by email saves the
       Club postage costs but I do not have email addresses for some members - and several
       are frequently rejected when sent.
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