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2 Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine. Volume 10 No.2 July 2013
The Captain’s Orders:
I missed the
President’s Luncheon At the last luncheon we were greatly surprised
in May, in fact, I was Our original member actually ridden arrived
devastated to have Passing through our tables by a member bold
missed the first one in All the way from Southampton we were told
37 years as Joe The
Fat Boy, and a few
years before that, but I It also went to Beaulieu a demo with others
was well and truly seen
incapacitated. I tried, I To impress the crowds with other veterans
even bought a rail keen
ticket and went to Demonstrating lengths to which members The Captain
Baillie Mac’s house to devote (Dismal Jemmy).
travel with him. But, I To increase the public interest and the club
didn’t, and it certainly
wasn't apathy on my promote
part to miss the event
. Soon at Hampton Court the club is to re-appear
Now that can’t be said Promoting cycling interest there for another year
of many of our We hope our members will rally to this cause
members, for there And rush to support this event without pause
does seem to be a
certain level of apathy At these events and others begs a constant request
about. And it isn’t just
the one event – what You and your guests appear appropriately dressed
happened at the other As with all club events remember our code
events? Where have all Display good manners and clad a la mode
the keen members
gone? Long time
passing. Where have From Your President
all the flowers gone,
long time ago? Sorry - he is on his way to
confer with the Secretary
What happened to and it is not known if they
those who missed the have taken their secretaries,
Beaulieu Rallye? The
unusually poor turnout or indeed, their notes with them.
for our long established
Golf Day and Baillie He was last seen in conversation
Mac Something’s
Charity Bike Ride all with a roulier.
suffered from the same (Ed.)
lack of support. Read
the Golf Day Report –
a truly sad day, and the
weather wasn’t so bad,
and the cost was
The financial state of STOP PRESS
the nation will no doubt Hampton Court Ride is on Thursday 3rd. October, not as in March
have some influence
but, really, can’t those issue.
of you who skip a Meet at 10 am for 10.30 am sharp depart.
meeting or two for Enter as soon as possible, using the form accompanying this issue.
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