Page 27 - PBCSeptember2014
P. 27
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 11 No.2 September 2014 !27
T e same meet ng also passed anot er int rest ng resolut on as fol ows: Shortage of Soubriquets.T e
Secretary stat d t at t e t me had come when it was difficult t find soubriquets for New Members
f om t e list of male names, f om t e Pickwick Papers. It was proposed by Samuel Pickwick Esq.
(George Palmer) seconded by Jack Keetch (F. Bamberger) t at any member may take a female name,
if he so desires it, f om t e Pickwick Papers. T is was carried unanimously. No doubt t e regulat on
was changed some years lat r.
Yours sincerely
Mr Brooks
Don’t forget the Club Events still to come…….
October 2nd - Hampton Court Bike Ride (contact Pruffle)
November 7th -Visit to Chelsea Hospital (contact Samuel Pickwick)
December 4th - 144th Annual Garden Party (contact Sgt Buzfuz)