Page 26 - PBCSeptember2014
P. 26
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 11 No.2 September 2014 !26
Can you help?…………Mr Brooks is searching for an Ale House!
Our inimitable historian is a constant source of old meuses about the Club, and I will try
to include something from him in each issue, since they are surely of interest to many
members particularly those newly appointed who may not be aware of the depth of
history behind our merry band. Here he relays our link with Cycling magazine and Frank
Patterson, and asks for help in tracing a historical connection.
My Dear Mr Winkle,
For many years t ere was a very f iendly relat onship between t e magazine Cycling and t e club. I
suspect t at t e last link was Don Lyford who was not only an excel ent journalist but I believe was
also involved on t e advert sing side of t e magazine. It was t rough t at connect on t at he got t
know George Gibbs who became a President of t e club and was secretary for many years. In t e
minut s of t e General Meet ng which t ok place on t e 5t July 1926 at t e t en Clubroom in 9
Rat bone Place, Oxford St eet t ere was a paragraph headed “Advert in Cycling”.
It was unanimously resolved t at a heart vot of t anks should be given t R D F Paul Esq.
(Nat aniel Winkle) for his kindness in obtaining f om t e propriet rs of Cycling, a very fine half page
advert sement for t e club, in t e current number of Cycling, f ee of cost t t e club. T e t en Hon.
Secretary, Smal Check (Lloyd Worth) was inst uct d t convey t e general meet ngs thanks t
Nat aniel Winkle t at his kindness was appreciat d by al present.
A copy of t e advert is at ached. (see opposit ) T e drawings of t e two pubs are by Frank Pat erson.
T e one on t e left is at Et n Socon near St Neots in Cambridgeshire but I do not know whet er it
st l exists. I wonder if any member knows? The Leat er Bot le at Cobham near Rochest r is, I
understand st l very much in business. I have also been t ld t at t ere are pictures relat ng t t e
Pickwick Bicycle on display in t e pub. Here again I wonder if any member lives near Cobham and
can check up for us?