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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine     Volume 11              No.2 September 2014                                  !23

       Who Were Your Early Namesakes, Researching Your Ancestors

                     The Pickwick Bicycle Club has been in continuous existence since its
                     formation in 1870, and the soubriquets of its members have been
                     faithfully passed down from generation to generation. If you would
                     like to receive the available history of your soubriquet please
                     contact Joseph Smiggers at and you will
                     have this information by return.

     Boffer – an expelled stockbroker:

     “  'I  see  there's  a  notice  up  this  morning  about  Boffer,'  observed  Mr.  Simmery.  'Poor
     devil, he's expelled the house!' 'I'll bet you ten guineas to five, he cuts his throat,' said
     Wilkins Flasher, Esquire. 'Done,' replied Mr. Simmery. 'Stop! I bar,' said Wilkins Flasher,
     Esquire, thoughtfully. 'Perhaps he may hang himself.' 'Very good,' rejoined Mr. Simmery,
     pulling out the gold pencil-case again. 'I've no objection to take you that way. Say, makes
     away  with  himself.'  'Kills  himself,  in  fact,'  said  Wilkins  Flasher,  Esquire.  'Just  so,'
     replied  Mr.  Simmery,  putting  it  down.  '"Flasher--  ten  guineas  to  five,  Boffer  kills
     himself."  Within  what  time  shall  we  say?'  'A  fortnight?'  suggested  Wilkins  Flasher,
     Esquire. 'Con-found it, no,' rejoined Mr. Simmery, stopping for an instant to smash a fly
     with the ruler. 'Say a week.' 'Split the difference,' said Wilkins Flasher, Esquire. 'Make
     it ten days.' 'Well; ten days,'rejoined Mr. Simmery. So it was entered down on the little
     books that Boffer was to kill himself within ten days, or Wilkins Flasher, Esquire, was to
     hand over to Frank Simmery, Esquire, the sum of ten guineas; and that if Boffer did kill
     himself within that time, Frank Simmery, Esquire, would pay to Wilkins Flasher, Esquire,
     five guineas, instead.”

     A E Bennett 1912 to 1915

     J Mackenzie 1923 to 1934 Committee (1927)

     N G Tyson 1937 to 1939

     C R Jordan 1946 to 1980 President (1964)

     Charles O Messenger 1981 to present
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