Page 29 - PBCSeptember2014
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine     Volume 11              No.2 September 2014                                  !29

                               What happens to our Charity Collections?!
                               Each  year  at  our  luncheons,  members  ‘fines’  are  sent  to
                               different  charities  of  the  President’s  choice.  From  this
                               year’s  May  luncheon,  We  Are  MacMillan  Cancer
                               Support  were  the  main  recipient,  and  here  is  Samuel
                               Pickwick handing over the cheque. Below is an appreciative
                               letter from their support manager in Macclesfield.

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                                                        Janet Parkinson
                     Mr P Legg                 Macmillan  Support and lnformation Manager
                     Moss Farm Barn               Macmillan Cancer Resource Centre
                     Moss Lane                   Macclesfield District  General Hospital
                     Siddington                           Victoria Road
                     Cheshire                              Cheshire
                     SK11  gDA                             SKlO 3BL
                                                        Tel: 01625  663129
                                                     www. eastcheshire.  nhs. uk
                     Dear Mr Pickwick,
                     Please accept this letter as a thank you for the most generous donation of f 1500, which we
                     have recently received from the Pickwick  Bicycle Club. lt was absolutely  fantastic to hear
                     about the history of the Club and some of the things the club get up to! Eccentric,  amusing
                     and so wonderfully British! We all really like the very smart attire too  -  especially  the hatl
                     This very kind donation  from the Pickwick  Bicycle Club will be used to help the work of
                     everyone  supporting cancer patients  on behalf of Macmillan  Cancer  Support, both in the
                     Macmillan  Centre  and in the wider local community  around Macclesfield.
                     The charity itself I am sure will acknowledge  this generous donation in due course,  once the
                     cheque has been collected by them from our centre.
                     On behalf of everyone  working with Macmillan  at East Cheshire  and especially  to all those
                     who know Janet, please  do pass on our most grateful  thanks to all those who have
                     contributed  to this donation  -  by paying fines or othenrvise!
                     The Club's kindness in thinking of Macmillan  is greatly  appreciated.
                     With very best wishes,
                     Yours sincerely,
                      d.v\o-t.  P.if .*-^-^s.-1
                     Janet Parkinson
                     Macmillan  Support  and lnformation Manager
                                                       f-\   tNvESToRs
                                                       \.^./  tN  pEopLE
                     Safe, effective  and efficient specialist acute healthcare
                     Chairman: Lynn  McGill           -tWr"',:m
                     Chief Executive:  John Wilbraham
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