Page 18 - PBCOctober2022
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            Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                  olume  19                          No.2 October 2022

    open, and Brother Tadger appeared, closely followed by the Reverend Mr. Stiggins, who no
    sooner entered, than there was a great clapping of hands, and stamping of feet, and
    flourishing of handkerchiefs; to all of which manifestations of delight, Brother Stiggins
    returned no other acknowledgment than staring with a wild eye, and a fixed smile, at the
    extreme top of the wick of the candle on the table, swaying his body to and fro, meanwhile,
    in a very unsteady and uncertain manner.“

    O\o Riehmer                                1878 to 1913             Vice-President -1900,1901,1902,1903,1910,1917
    D Le Frank Bates                          1924 to 1929
    P W Howard                                 1932 to 1935
    F P Coates                                     1937 to 1939
    J W F Day MA                               1942 to 1961
    F H Dredge                                    1961 to 1973
    H Hallen                                        1973 to 1991
    Colin Burley                                  1992 to present


    Mr Charles Fitz-Marshall – one of Jingles’ aliases – at Mrs Leo Hunter’s party:
    “Nothing seemed wanting to render the select circle complete, when Mr. Leo Hunter--whose
    department  on  these  occasions,  was  to  stand  about  in  doorways,  and  talk  to  the  less
    important  people--suddenly  called  out--  'My  dear;  here's  Mr.  Charles  Fitz-Marshall.'  'Oh
    dear,' said Mrs. Leo Hunter, 'how anxiously I have been expecting him. Pray make room, to
    let Mr. Fitz-Marshall pass. Tell Mr. Fitz-Marshall, my dear, to come up to me directly, to be
    scolded for coming so late.' 'Coming, my dear ma'am,' cried a voice, 'as quick as I can--
    crowds of people--full room--hard work--very.' Mr. Pickwick's knife and fork fell from his
    hand. He stared across the table at Mr. Tupman, who had dropped his knife and fork, and
    was looking as if he were about to sink into the ground without further notice.”

    Derrick Campion                        1937 to 1958
    B A Marshall                               1960 to 1994
    Jon Edwards                               1996 to 2014
    Andrew Donald                          2016 to present

      Something to look forward to in the March 2023 magazine………….

    Too late for this issue, but look out for the report on the Grand Old Ordinary &
    Penny Farthing races at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit organised by Mr Watty aided by
    PrufSle & Co, to compete for the recently acquired (giant) Challenge Cup, and the
    Veteran’s  Tankard which originate from 1910.  20+ riders in each race, so it should
    be quite an event.
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