Page 18 - PBCOctober2017
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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 14 No.2 October 2017 @18
Through the traffic free lanes to Peters Green and The Bright Star (good), a fast descent
to East Hyde and The Leather Bottle (now a house).Here we joined The Lea Valley cycle
pathway. We returned to Harpenden via The Red Cow (excellent) and The Marquis of Granby
(still open), up and around the back doubles, across the common golf course, past The White
Horse, into Rothampstead Park, given to Harpenden by the lord of the manor pre second
world war. The final climb of the day as we sped past The Silver Cup,(still serving excellent
beer) Then bingo!
The Elite Cyclists Return
The clubhouse, a hot shower, a large drink, and a great meal. Thirty excellent sunny and
mainly traffic free miles. Bullman being awarded the Blink cycling trophy. was the icing on
the cake. A great day was had by all, cyclist's and golfer's and diners, whilst numbers were
down we hope this is just a small blip and next year back to normal. Have a good summer, Mr
Pickwick goes to France, the Tour de France, Wimbledon tennis, Henley Regatta and
Hampton Court in October to mention just a few…..(Ron) Mr Justice Stareleigh.
Bamboo Bikes - have you heard of the Bamboo Bicycle
Club? Did you know that a bamboo framed bike isn’t a new
innovation? In 1894 an English patent was filed for a bike
made out of grass, but it failed to progress due to the
development of steel & aluminium. James Marr and his team
produce bamboo kit bikes in a workshop near the Olympic
Stadium, plus they run courses at a cost for DIY enthusiasts
who when finished can leave with a ready to ride bike. Want
to know more? Then go to: