Page 22 - PBCOctober2017
P. 22

Pickwick	Bicycle	Club	Magazine																		Volume	14																													No.2		October	2017							@22

         Tales of Yesteryear by Mr Brooks……….

                      Following several abortive telephone calls, Mr Brooks accosted me at the Spring
     Luncheon, clutching two articles of an historic nature. Having discussed them as potential
     copy  for  the  magazine,  I  was  then  reprimanded  for  randomly  folding  said  items  (photo
     copies!), and had to re-fold them to preserve their condition.

       One article item was from the July 1919 Cycling magazine, The World of Wheels page.
     This raised the question once more about which was the first cycling club. (Remember the
     ABC Club from the March issue of our magazine). Unfortunately the quality of the copy
     (nothing  to  do  with  the  folding)  precludes  copying  it  so  I  have  carefully  reproduced  it

     “An Early Cycling Club”
     Te queston of which was te first cycling club to be formed in te Unitd Kingdom has
     never been definitly decided, altough it is agreed tat te Pickwick BC is te senior club of
     tose stl existng. It is certain, however, tat te Pickwick was not te first, as documentary
     evidence, in te form of a membership card of te Hanley Velocipede Club has recently come
     into te hands of Mr J.Hughes, of Cobridge, which shows tat te organisaton named came
     into existnce on July 12  1869. Te subscripton is statd to be £1.1s, and if frter
     confirmaton of te club’s birtday is required, it may be found in te columns of te
     Staffordshire Sentnel of June 12  1869, wherein appears te folowing advertsement:

     ‘	Hanley	Velocipede	Club	–	persons	desirous	of	becoming	members	are	requested	to	enrol	themselves	
     forthwith,	 as	 the	 number	 for	 which	 arrangements	 have	 been	 made	 is	 limited.	 Amend	 personally	 at	
     Saunders’	Commercial	Hotel,	Hanley,	where	the	bicycle	can	be	seen.’	

     Tere is a “mater-of-fact” tne about tis announcement, which suggests tat a velocipede
     club was by no means unique in tose days, so it has yet to proved which was te first to be
     founded. Te Pickwick dats fom June 22  1870.

       So, we are left with a dilemma that based on this information, there was a cycling club in
     existence  almost  a  year  prior  to  the  formation  of  the  PBC.  However  we  can  comfort
     ourselves with the reference in the first sentence of this article – “The Pickwick BC is the
     senior club of those still existing”
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