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Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine    Volume12                      No.2  October 2015     "20

     Pimkin – Pimkin & Thomas

     “'That's  all  right,'  replied  Mr.  Perker's  clerk;  and  then  seeing  Mr.  Pickwick's  eye
     wandering curiously towards the table, he added, 'will you join us, for half an hour or so?
     We are capital company here to-night. There's Samkin and Green's managing- clerk, and
     Smithers and Price's chancery, and Pimkin and Thomas's out o' doors-sings a capital song,
     he  does--and  Jack  Bamber,  and  ever  so  many  more.  You're  come  out  of  the  country,  I
     suppose. Would you like to join us?'”

     Peter R Purves                           1924 to 1963                            President 1939/40; Life Member
     J F Cross                                    1964 to 1978
     John Peasnell                            1995 to 1996

     Karl Ennis                                   1997 to present

     Stiles – fictitious name used by Serjeant Buzfuz

     “'I  say  systematic  villainy,  gentlemen,'  said  Serjeant  Buzfuz,  looking  through  Mr.
     Pickwick,  and  talking  AT  him;  'and  when  I  say  systematic  villainy,  let  me  tell  the
     defendant Pickwick, if he be in court, as I am informed he is, that it would have been
     more decent in him, more becoming, in better judgment, and in better taste, if he had
     stopped away. Let me tell him, gentlemen, that any gestures of dissent or disapprobation
     in which he may indulge in this court will not go down with you; that you will know how to
     value and how to appreciate them; and let me tell him further, as my Lord will tell you,
     gentlemen,  that  a  counsel,  in  the  discharge  of  his  duty  to  his  client,  is  neither  to  be
     intimidated nor bullied, nor put down; and that any attempt to do either the one or the
     other, or the first, or the last, will recoil on the head of the attempter, be he plaintiff or
     be  he  defendant,  be  his  name  Pickwick,  or  Noakes,  or  Stoakes,  or  Stiles,  or  Brown,  or

     F J Hobday                          1925 to 1937                         Committee 1927
     Jim H Brandon                      1942 to 1997                         President 1966; Life Member

     Graham Regester              1998 to present

      Another  polite  request  from  your  Editor  -  Smiggers  does  an  amazing  job  with  the
      soubriquet histories, and it would be good to put faces to them; so if any new members
      can send me their mug shot, I will include it with their history when it’s published.
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