Page 19 - PBCMarch2023
P. 19

Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine                                                            Volume 20         No.1   March  2023       19

    Lord Mutanhed - guest at Ball at Bath assembly Rooms:
    ‘'Have you seen his Lordship's mail-cart, Bantam?' inquired the Honourable Mr. Crushton,
    after a short pause, during which young Lord Mutanhed had been endeavouring to stare Mr.
    Pickwick out of countenance, and Mr. Crushton had been reflecting what subject his Lordship
    could talk about best. 'Dear me, no,' replied the M.C.'A mail-cart! What an excellent idea.
    Re-markable!' 'Gwacious heavens!' said his Lordship, 'I thought evewebody had seen the new
    mail-cart; it's the neatest, pwettiest, gwacefullest thing that ever wan upon wheels. Painted
    wed, with a cweam piebald.' 'With a real box for the letters, and all complete,' said the
    Honourable Mr. Crushton.’

    Stephen C Rhodes                           1890 to 1916      President(1900);VP (1901);Captain (1895-1898)
                                                                                             (Resigned ill in 1898). Sub Captain 1894. Winner of
                                                                                             cycling records from 1876 for 18 to 48 miles.
    J D Beale                                           1937 to 1948
    John de Fritaes                                1959 to 1976
    V H Wade                                         1976 to 1984
    David J S James                               1984 to 2003
    ScoB B Simpson                              2005 to present

    Martin - Surly coachman to Ben Allen's aunt Miss Allen:
    “While these observations were being exchanged between Mr. Bob Sawyer and Mr. Benjamin
    Allen; and while the boy in the gray livery, marvelling at the unwonted prolongation of the
    dinner, cast an anxious look, from time to time, towards the glass door, distracted by inward
    misgivings regarding the amount of minced veal which would be ultimately reserved for his
    individual  cravings;  there  rolled  soberly  on  through  the  streets  of  Bristol,  a  private  fly,
    painted of a sad green colour, drawn by a chubby sort of brown horse, and driven by a surly-
    looking man with his legs dressed like the legs of a groom, and his body attired in the coat of
    a coachman. Such appearances are common to many vehicles belonging to, and maintained by,
    old ladies of economic habits; and in this vehicle sat an old lady who was its mistress and
    proprietor.  'Martin!'  said  the  old  lady,  calling  to  the  surly  man,  out  of  the  front  window.
    'Well?' said the surly man, touching his hat to the old lady. 'Mr. Sawyer's,' said the old lady.
    'I was going there,' said the surly man. The old lady nodded the satisfaction which this proof
    of the surly man's foresight imparted to her feelings; and the surly man giving a smart lash to
    the chubby horse, they all repaired to Mr. Bob Sawyer's together.”

     John A Ward                                  1966                    ReJred member
      Andrew Morgan                           2012 to present
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