Page 22 - PBCMarch2023
P. 22
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 20 No.1 March 2023 22
The 2023 Events Calendar
Please see below the anticipated list of events already scheduled for this year.
It’s hoped that those events without a specific date at this point, will take place in
due course. Our Secretary will notify members accordingly if/when those events
are confirmed. As always, members are encouraged to participate in as many of the
events as possible, not just the luncheons, since all of these require a lot of
organisation, so please make the effort to support them.
Thursday 11th May - President’s Spring Luncheon - apply Hon Sec Mr Watty
Thursday 15th June - Golf Day & Cycle Ride -see pp24 for full details
Sunday 18th June - Founder’s Day ride -see pp23 opposite for details
Sunday 2nd July TBC - Benson VCC rally - contact:
TBC July - Mr. Pickwick goes to France - see pp23 opposite for more details
Sunday 24th September - Hillingdon Track for the Grand Ordinary Races.
Thursday 5th October - Hampton Court Ride is already booked based at our great
venue, the Thames Yacht Club, with the usual mix of the
leisurely historic ride for the more sedate members,
plus the road-ride for the more energetic.
Thursday 7th December - 153rd Annual Garden Party - apply Hon Sec Mr Watty
Please remember the Club ruling about attending the requisite number of
luncheons to maintain your membership