Page 24 - PBCMarch2023
P. 24
Pickwick Bicycle Club Magazine Volume 20 No.1 March 2023 24
Annual Golf
& Cycle Day
on Thursday
15th June
The annual golf & cycle day is an important event in the annals of our Club, with
many trophies, a splendid course and excellent food at the Harpenden Golf Course.
A number of new members have joined our ranks over the past three years, some
of you we hope will enjoy a days golf at this glorious course. Alternatively, come
along and join those cyclists who swell the ranks on the day, or to just enjoy lunch.
Smithers makes his own request for support:
" Gentlemen, join your fellow Pickwickians and guests, for a round of golf at the lovely
Harpenden Common Golf Club, to compete for our magnificent trophies followed by a
convivial lunch in the clubhouse, on the15th June 2023.This is always a delightful day
enjoyed by all those who attend. If you are not a golfer and prefer a bike to a golf trolley,
then why not join us for a cycle ride through the Hertfordshire lanes followed by lunch in
the company of fellow Pickwickians” Very best Wishes, Smithers
Entries with details to be sent by email to Smithers Esq
or by post to: Keepers Cottage, Church Road, Sutton, Sandy, Beds SG19 2NB.
Please provide your name & Soubriquet, plus Golf handicap, and contact details.
Plus guest’s name & Golf H/cap if applicable
Please reserve …. places for bacon roll, coffee, golf & 4 course lunch @ £70 each
…. places for lunch only @ £25 each
…. places for bacon roll, coffee, cycle ride & lunch @ £30 each
Please advise food choices - vegetarian, vegan, gluten free etc, if required.
Sadly the pandemic years hit the event quite hard and 2022 didn’t see the
recovery in numbers that Smithers (David Lincoln) had hope for, so please, please
give it your support this year if you can.